Dr.Teruo Higa’s
Living A Dream


#23 Use of EMTM in Response to Swine Flu

The swine flu found mainly in Mexico has infected humans, has become more virulent, and is showing signs of reaching pandemic proportions. There are many countermeasures being considered, the use of Tamiflu included, but what is critical is to live the kind of life that enhances the immune system and, after going to and returning from places where the virus is concentrated (places where there is significant human traffic) making doubly sure to wash one’s hands and gargle using EM・1®.

It is critical to develop strong resistance to various types of disease: avian flu, foot-and-mouth disease, which affects swine and cattle, and fish viruses. If one uses EM・1® freely, and thoroughly, in daily life to gargle and wash one’s hands, it is fully possible to deal with swine flu as well as pandemics resulting from people becoming infected with avian flu, so I therefore continue to recommend an EM lifestyle to prepare for the worst case scenario.

EMTM Model Town Promotion Projects

As countries around the world are taking measures to deal with the worldwide recession, things are hitting rock bottom, and it appears that this critical situation will not improve for quite some time. An aging society with a low birthrate, plus the maturation of industries is making it extremely problematic that the economic growth we have seen heretofore will solve these problems. With the exception of Tokyo, local governments throughout Japan are all struggling.

The essential power of EMTM lies in its being safe and pleasant to use, its low cost and high quality, and its sustainability and cumulative effect. If this power is put to use in daily life, and if administrative units apply EM・1® freely, it is possible to cut administrative costs by more than half; if a cooperative relationship with residents, centered on EM・1®, can be enhanced, it may be possible to cut costs by an additional 25% and still provide a level of administrative services that residents will be satisfied with.

The town formerly known as Miyazaki village in Fukui Prefecture that I introduced in last month’s essay is a representative example of this, but viewed from the perspective of applying EMTM this is but a first step; even Uruma City in Okinawa, seen as a leader in the use of EMTM, and other towns and villages throughout Japan that are using EM・1®, are still just the beginning of what is possible.

EMTM was developed twenty-nine years ago, and first disseminated twenty-seven years ago, and in the interim it would appear to have spread rapidly throughout Japan and the world, but from the standpoint of one who really understands the essence of EMTM, it feels like waiting for something that’s taking forever. I concluded that something more proactive must be done to shore up efforts to disseminate EMTM even further. Therefore, I have created a system whereby I can now devote myself exclusively to EMTM, with the result that starting this fiscal year I have led efforts to actually implement EMTM Model Town promotion projects.
Mikasa City in Hokkaido: The First EMTM Model Town Promotion Project

Mikasa City, one hour north of Sapporo in Hokkaido near Yubari City, used to flourish as a mining town. But with an increasingly aging population and with the number of households receiving public assistance near the top, the city government is on the verge of bankruptcy. In addition to mining, because it is surrounded by mountains, in which are found ammonites and other fossils, and is blessed with a mild climate, the city was also known for shipping high quality vegetables to Sapporo and elsewhere.

75% of the food waste in Mikasa City is, through cooperation of the residents, collected in EM antioxidant buckets and turned into organic fertilizer and feed, and this system has produced wonderful results. Through this system, most of the residents have learned about EMTM and some solid results have also been seen in farms. In June of last year I visited Mikasa City in order to help make this food waste recycling system even more efficient. EM food waste is handled by a private company, F.A. Recycling, and with an infusion of a subsidy related to biomass, they have been able to build an impressive facility. The moment I saw this facility I decided we must build an EMTM center there and “EM-ize” Mikasa City. At an EMTM workshop with city leaders I proposed that we undertake the challenge of turning the city into an EMTM Model Town.

In December the mayor of the city came to Okinawa and we held lengthy discussions regarding the EMTM Model Town promotion. After this, officials of the city government and agricultural leaders also visited Okinawa and, along with inspections of various sites, held detailed discussions with me as well.

On March 28 of this year I held a lecture at Mikasa City entitled “A Healthy Life and Community Revitalization through EM TechnologyTM.”  There I presented detailed information to local residents and the EMTM Model Town promotion project in Mikasa City was launched.

This project is based on an agreement among Mikasa City, the Meio University International EM Technology Research Center, with which I am affiliated, and the EM Research Organization (EMRO), and clearly delineates the duties of each entity. The city’s role is to investigate and put into practice the application of EMTM in all areas. The International EM Technology Research Center provides cutting edge technical information. And EMRO will provide Activated EM・1® (shortly called as AEM・1, EMAS, EM Secondary) free of charge for three years, plus any concrete technical support for proposals that the City has. In addition, in order to further promote this project, case study meetings and consultative meetings will be held twice yearly and every effort will be made to collect relevant data.

Simply put, the city will have no financial burden at all related to EMTM. They will be able to obtain, gratis, all the Activated EM・1® they need for use in agriculture, the environment, and healthcare, and this Activated EM・1® will be distributed to all the residents and farms.

In order to meet this need, EMRO will provide 40-100 tons of high quality Activated EM・1® every month, and is in full production mode now, prepared to help the city use EMTM freely in each and every field. We will be holding EMTM workshops for residents along with twice yearly seminars to train EMTM instructors. Through this I hope that each and every resident will gain a deeper understanding of EMTM and be able to resolve environmental and health problems by taking individual responsibility for them.

Since EMTM-grown agricultural products grown without the use of agrochemicals or chemical fertilizers are being distributed as an entirely new product, we are investigating now the sale of these not only through mass merchandise outlets but through exporting them abroad. The difference between the level of EM TechnologyTM when the former Miyazaki village in Fukui Prefecture achieved success in applying EMTM, and the level of EM TechnologyTM now, is like night and day, and the needs of society regarding EMTM have also undergone a fundamental evolution in the intervening years.

Three years from now we will review this project, and since I anticipate that in the interim the city’s finances will be in good shape and it will be able to be self-sustaining, I expect that its success will far outstrip that of the former Miyazaki village I introduced last time.

The F.A Recycling Center in Mikasa City

Machinery that grinds and dries food waste

Organic fertilizer made from food waste

Dr. Higa’s lecture, sponsored by the city

Producing Activated EM・1® in 22 incubation tanks

Distributing Activated EM・1® to farmers

Using a sprinkler to spray Activated EM・1® on farmland

Courtesy of Ecopure

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