Dr.Teruo Higa’s
Living A Dream


#65: EM Forum 2012 in Okinawa and the Environmental Forum in Fukushima

As I wrote in this column last month, this year’s EM Forum focused on the application of EM in natural disasters such as large-scale floods, typhoons, and earthquakes, and in countermeasures against the seemingly hopeless problem of radioactive contamination. Over 300 people attended in Okinawa and over 900 in Fukushima and most of them came to understand the present situation where efforts to use EM and spray Activated EM to counter radioactive contamination are proceeding apace.

During the once-in-a-century flooding that occurred in Thailand starting in September 2011, and continued for over several months, it was feared that there would be sanitation issues and all sorts of contagious diseases, but the country decided to use EM as part of national policy, and their success was of historic proportions. At both the Okinawa and Fukushima Forums, Ms. Voranuj, chair of the executive committee that dealt with the post-flood damage, delivered the keynote address. Ms. Voranuj gave the background to how the decision to officially adopt the use of EM as national policy grew out of the successful results of EM use by the Public Housing Authority, the Ministry of Social Development and Human Security, and the Royal Thai Army, and she introduced specific examples of EM application in regions throughout Thailand.

This daring attempt was possible because of efforts to spread the use of EM in Thailand that go back more than thirty years, and would have been impossible without the support of many people. As people have decided to use EM and have had great success with it, the mass media has also reported on university professors who have stated that experiments with EM has proved fruitless, and who question the use of artificially cultivated microorganisms. The results from using EM, however, have put them to shame.

Over one million people in Thailand have been trained in the use of EM, and EM is being used in villages in almost all regions of the country. In the huge metropolitan region of Bangkok, it was used quite extensively in the environmental field, but it had still not spread enough to ordinary citizens. The successful use of EM after this great flood has been widely reported by the mass media, with EM’s visibility now so high that there is no one in Thailand unaware of the power of EM, and it is now being used in daily life in the capital.

The area affected by the flooding was as large as all of Hokkaido, and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and the Ministry of Defense both came to grips with the situation through a general mobilization. If a systematic approach on the same scale is applied in Japan--not just to the entire prefecture of Fukushima but to hot spots throughout our country--it should be very easy to apply EM. Five presentations were made at the Fukushima Forum discussing epoch-making results. At the same time the director of the National Institute of Radiation Research in Belarus reported the remarkable results they achieved using EM to suppress the absorption of radioactive materials in crops, as well as results from the use of EM・X Gold to suppress internal radiation exposure.
Fuji Television Super News

After the environmental forum in Fukushima, more people began to use EM to deal with radiation, and ten days after the forum, on October 17th, Fuji Television Super News (a local Kanto area program) aired a nineteen-minute report entitled “Testing EM Microbes Sprayed in Fukushima! Are there Decontamination Effects?” After introducing my explanation of how EM can decontaminate radiation, and actual implementation sites where the effects were clear, they introduced the opinions of experts who doubted these results.

Those involved in EM who have seen its results might be dissatisfied with this program, but personally I think overall it was very good. I say this because it is accepted wisdom that microorganisms cannot get rid of radioactive material, and based on this one would never expect the mass media to take up the issue.

Yet Fuji Television broke this taboo and broadcast this nineteen-minute report; further, they publicized the existence of EM・X Gold, which can help cope with internal radiation exposure. Many experiments have been conducted in Iitate Village on the use of EM to counter radioactive contamination, with many subsequent verifications of the results, and based on these, people wishing to use EM for decontamination are put in touch with volunteers who can help them. This system is not something people from the outside should find fault with. I was asked what sort of responsibility I would take in cases where people have read my books The Law of Syntropy and A New Earth-Saving Revolution, and tried EM but did not get good results. I answered that the writer is responsible, and that EM-related organizations are able to deal with all these issues. Naturally, the experts who were not convinced by this maintained their negative opinions. This time it was a kind of one-way street with no mutual exchange of opinions, and the decision will await a second round. In other words, after 1-2 years I would like Fuji Television to produce a second program testing the results of EM, have each person involved visit the sites where it has been used, and then debate the results with me.

Unfortunately, radiation is something we have to face. The effects of Cesium 134, with a half-life of two years, have decreased, and we are now embarking on a protracted struggle. Despite any qualms I might have about the content of the program, at least the TV program introduced to many people in the Kanto area how volunteers are actively applying EM in radioactive decontamination, and I am very grateful and thankful to Fuji Television for this.

Still, there are several points raised in the program I feel I need to comment on briefly.

1. Phototrophic bacteria have not been found in retail EM-1.

EM-1 has a pH below 3.5, which masks phototrophic bacteria. Examining the liquid through a microscope or examining it through normal culture methods usually does not allow one to detect them, which is the same opinion expressed by the Japanese Society of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. Normally if you cultivate it with molasses, countless phototrophic bacteria will emerge, which is why it is common practice to not use straight EM but Activated EM.

2. Even if artificially increased microorganisms are introduced into the soil, there are over 100 million microorganisms in 1 gram of soil so it is doubtful that they would assert themselves and have any effect.

Certainly this would be true if all microorganisms in the soil were antagonistic to EM, but results up till now show that continued use of EM will tremendously increase the density of soil microorganisms, both anaerobic and aerobic, increase soil humus, break down toxic substances, increase soluble mineral nutrition, and build up nitrogen fixation power, with clear results showing that effective microorganisms in the soil will be strengthened. If there were no such results, EM, with microbial material playing a central role, would not have been used so much over the past thirty plus years.

3. There is one view that EM compost in Fukushima has been effective because of the soluble potassium in it.

If you confine yourself to the data alone, that is one way to view it. However, our experiments in many districts have confirmed numerous times that even if less than one-forth of the organic matter used in Fukushima experiments were used, not even one Bq of radioactive cesium will be detected.

4. It is ridiculous to claim that EM waves lower radioactivity in adjacent areas.

This is a phenomenon already experienced by EM farmers and in areas sprayed with EM, and measurements soon reveal it.  Even with measurements shown in the TV program in Iitate Village, areas about 2 meters from the EM applied areas had the same level as the sprayed areas, 5,000-6,000 Bq, with areas 50 meters away showing as much as 15,000 Bq. These are common readings with EM. The effects of EM will depend on the amount sprayed, but generally extend to 25-30 meters.
The environmental forum, Utsukushima Paradise, held in Nihonmatsu City in Fukushima Prefecture.

Lecture at the environmental forum.

A mound of decontaminated soil (in Nihonmatsu City).
Courtesy of Ecopure

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