Dr.Teruo Higa’s
Living A Dream


#54 EM Forum 2011

The EM Forum 2011, a comprehensive survey of EM activities for 2011, was held on November 11 at the National Theater Okinawa in Urasoe City. In order to truly make EM a part of daily life, it is necessary for people to adopt an even more complete EM lifestyle. With this fundamental point in mind, the EM Forum 2011 began with a case study presentation by Ms. Sanae Kohsaka entitled EM Eco-Friendly Life around the House From Housekeeper to Earthkeeper, and a second presentation by Mr. Toshimichi Yoshida entitled Thank You, Effective Microorganisms Recycling Food Waste with Children to Make Healthful Vegetables.


The basis for all EM activities is volunteerism (awareness of contribution to society) founded on personal responsibility, which leads to products that are safe and pleasant to use, of high quality and low cost to produce, and that are cumulatively sustainable. If you continue EM activities in an intentional way, based on this fundamental principle, you will soon discover yourself leading a happier, more enjoyable life, and arrive at a point where you can create happiness and enjoyment in life. Once you reach this level, your life will become more creative and professional, even in areas beyond EM Technology.

Ms. Kohsaka began using EM because of her son, who suffered from asthma and allergies. She tried many conventional treatments without real relief of the problems, but once she adopted a complete EM lifestyle, these health problems were solved. As a result of using EM, her son's immune system has been strengthened, her whole family has become healthier, and they have solved health problems that had stymied even top doctors.

Greatly reducing the chemical products used in the home, starting with synthetic detergents, makes the water discharged from the home help clean rivers and oceans, leading to a more abundant ecology; this lifestyle actually helps preserve biodiversity and allows the family to actively participate in counter measures against radioactivity.

In Mr. Yoshida's case, from the time he was working in agricultural outreach in the prefecture. He has had doubts about modern agriculture, with its emphasis on the use of agrochemicals and chemical fertilizer, so he began doing organic farming. The conclusion he arrived at is that, in order to make EM a true part of society one must focus on dietary education that revolves around the use of EM in food waste recycling.

Children who are truly able to say that they love to work with the soil and are thankful to the vegetables that sustain them have taken the first step in having a happy, fulfilling life, and are receiving the most important sort of education, one that emphasizes the life force that makes our lives possible. If children from an early age live with nature and learn to observe and love what they create, these children will inevitably become very creative, able to adapt to any situation they find themselves in, and able to construct an ideal type of life for themselves.

To sum up these two presenters case studies, the majority of medical, health, education and social problems will naturally vanish. At the same time, we will find a practical response to Dr. Ichiro Sugimoto's challenge in his keynote address, entitled How to Maintain Our Good Health in the Country of Japan.


2. Panel Discussion

Panel discussion was in two sessions: part one was on EM Applications in the Affected Areas of the Great East Japan Earthquake, and part two focused on Radiation Countermeasures Using EM.

In part one I asked the panelists to deal with reports on how EM was supplied in areas damaged by the tsunami, and how it was used there. The first report was by Mr. Sugawara, Executive Director of Iwate Compost Co, Ltd., who discussed how Activated EM1 was produced for the entire prefecture of Iwate, how tanks were set up in towns and villages, and how it was distributed to every corner of the prefecture. Iwate Compost Co., established in Hanamaki City in 1997, uses EM in all its compost, whether it is made of building materials or even sludge. Therefore its EM compost (Cosmo Green) is safe, high-function compost that can be used in organic agriculture. Thanks to their efforts, Iwate has become a model prefecture in recycling all its sewage sludge.

They have the capacity to produce 100 tons of Activated EM1 each month, and in its response to the earthquake Iwate Compost, with logistical support from the EM Research Organization and EM Seikatsusha, has created an infrastructure that enables it to work at full capacity to supply all the affected areas in Iwate with large amounts of EM, with no regard for the bottom line. A perfect example of this is found in their efforts in Ohfunato City and other areas, where EM was used to treat the massive amounts of marine waste. Not just the amount was an issue, but the awful smell and the worry that it would lead to infectious diseases and secondary damage. Just as in Miyazaki, where EM solved problems related to the disposal of slaughtered cattle affected by foot-and-mouth disease, the problem here was solved in no time.

In addition there were many volunteer organizations that use EM in the affected areas of Iwate, for instance the All Hands Volunteers international volunteer group, which worked over a long period of time dealing with sanitation issues in the affected areas. In these ways EM has become an indispensible material being used throughout the areas damaged by the earthquake and tsunami.

Large scale activities like the ones in Iwate have also been taking place in Miyagi Prefecture, led by Mr. Katsuhiro Hirano of SPC Japan's World Environmental Preservation Network in Kurihara City. Mr. Hirano is a leader of SPC Japan, an organization of barbershop and hair salon owners. The local Izunuma wetlands (a large lotus pond designated by the Ramsar Convention as protected wetlands) became extremely polluted, and since there was no plan to clean them Mr. Hirano and his group made up their mind to make a full-scale use of EM. In one years time the Izunuma wetlands have substantially recovered, and is cleaner than it has ever been before.

Cleaning up such a large body of water as the Izunuma wetlands was possible through the use of a tank system that can produce large amounts of Activated EM1, and trucks that can transport 4 ton tanks. Once the Izunuma wetlands issue was resolved, they were about to begin activities to use EM in agriculture and the overall environment in Kurihara City when the March 11 earthquake occurred. Kurihara City experienced a 7.0 magnitude quake at the time, after which Mr. Hirano selflessly worked to meet the needs of the entire Miyagi Prefecture, much as Iwate Compost had done in Iwate. His work in this area has been simply amazing.

Mr. Hirano especially provided sufficient EM for rice cultivation tests in rice fields in Ishinomaki City and Sendai City that had been inundated with seawater and sludge. He has gone above and beyond the call of duty in helping us in these tests, which have revealed the essence of EM, in this case that ideal rice cultivation can be done without desalinization.

When Mr. Hideki Ashikaga of Kesennuma City, who had lost everything in the tsunami, gave his presentation, it was as if we were listening to a high priest instructing us all on the ways of life. Through applying EM on a case-by-case basis he was able to quickly deal with, and resolve, what looked to be intractable problems of foul odors and sanitation issues over a large area affected by the tsunami. This was an excellent example of how, when people are serious about using EM, it gives them unlimited wisdom and power. It has given not only Mr. Ashikaga, but many other people, the courage to take up the challenges brought on by the disaster.

Along with the three presenters above, we received tremendous aid from The International Nature Farming Research Center (INFRC) and the EM Laboratory, and the Tohoku EM Outreach Association, and starting with Shichigahama Town, there are more and more cities, towns, and villages in Miyagi and Iwate that are seriously using EM in their efforts to restore their communities.

Part two of the panel discussion, Radiation Countermeasures Using EM, corroborated the reports I have been discussing up till now in DND, the Ecopure website, and in the Yukio Funao.com site, and makes us even more certain of the effectiveness of EM Technology.

One presenter was Dr. Aleksander Nikitin, Head of the Laboratory of Radioecology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belorus, a country affected by the Chernobyl nuclear accident. He reported that the use of EM prevented crops from absorbing the radioactive elements cesium and strontium. At the same time, radiation from potassium-40, which was used to counter the cesium, has started to become a problem. At present it is strontium, rather than cesium, which is the problem, all of which proves past experiments that these countermeasures are possible with EM.

Further confirmation of this was given in a report by Mr. Takehiro Makuta of Makuta Amenity Co Ltd., a firm that has, for the last fifteen years been a new type of model business doing organic agriculture in Fukushima. The crops produced by Mr. Makuta's group of farmers, though from an area heavily affected by radiation, did not absorb any of the radiation and was all measured below the maximum allowable levels.

These results should completely overturn the harmful rumors that cause financial damage and should prove effective in overcoming the damage cause by these false reports not only in Fukushima but in other areas contaminated by radiation.

The third presenter was Ms. Mika Noro, representative of the NPO A Bridge to Chernobyl. Ms. Noro helped connect me with the Laboratory of Radioecology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belorus, and has really distinguished herself by introducing countermeasures that are needed to deal with radiation. After the children of Chernobyl became healthier after drinking EM-X Gold, EM has been used in various ways as a countermeasure against radiation effects in children, not just in Fukushima but throughout our country. Ms. Noro reported that, combined with other technical know-how, EM-X Gold can deal with these problems decisively. In short, even taking 1/5-1/10 the usual dosage of EM-X Gold will be effective in dealing with internal radiation exposure. And needless to say, if one lives an EM lifestyle, it is possible to find a fundamental solution to the problems associated with radiation.

The above is a short summary of the presentations at the EM Forum, but at the Forum other topics were covered as well, such as the way that Iwate Compost was able to completely rid contaminated sludge of radioactive elements (Cesium 137), and how many schools found that when they sprayed their playgrounds with EM the amount of radiation went down considerably.

In a word, we found that in dealing with the different types of damage caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake, EM could play a major role and was a driving force in the restoration and rebuilding of the affected areas.

On the 20th, the day after the Forum, we hosted some 200 people for a barbeque party at the EM Research Organization's Sunshine Farm Ryu no Tani Project, which we started to cultivate six months ago and was finally open to the public. All the food waste from the EM Wellness Resort Hotel and Spa Costa Vista is used in farming here. The name Ryu no Tani (dragon valley) comes from legends that the most powerful dragon came down into this valley in ancient times, and is a project that aims at completely EM-izing the EM headquarters of Kitanakagusuku Village, including the sector downstream.

Targeted activities have already begun, including agreements to ship produce to the local fisheries cooperative and to Aeon Group, an EM organic vegetable retailer. The farm is always open to the public and welcomes trainees, and I look forward to it becoming a model farm for the use of EM in agriculture.

EM Forum 2011 held at National Theater Okinawa

Participants came from domestic and 18 countries

Mr. Yoshida teaching children

Panel discussion part 1 case studies of EM application at the affected area of the earthquake, were reported

Activated EM tanks by Iwate Compost corporation

Mr. Hirano from SPC Japan

Mr. Ashikaga from Kesennuma city and the volunteers at EM Purification Cleanup

Courtesy of Ecopure

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