Dr.Teruo Higa’s
Living A Dream


#93: What Underlies Limit Breakthrough (Part 2)

In the previous issue I described the guidelines for limit breakthrough and what underlies it. The main point involves phenomena that occur above ground, the improvement of anti-oxidizing power of the entire environment, including the soil, the antioxidant effect that suppresses harmful bacteria, and the rectifying effect of natural-occurring electron energy, all explained from the viewpoint of respiration.

In terms of the functionality of microbials and energy efficiency, these are all true, but when speaking of such phenomena as flower bud differentiation and the characteristics of producing fruit, the phenomenon of bananas covered in the 91st article, and tomatoes in last month’s 92nd article, hormones have to be involved.

It is no exaggeration to say that the characteristics of different varieties are the actions of hormones, and hormones control photosynthesis, the form of flower bud differentiation and bulbs and root mass. That is why even if there are 1000 or more tomatoes in one rootstock, there will only be about 4-5 in one flower cluster, there will never be 10-20 or more, and rice varieties that produce about 100-110 grains per stalk will never have 300-400 grains.

However, if given sufficient organic matter, and Activated EM or EM fermented liquid fertilizer that utilizes seawater are regularly applied, a variety of limit breakthroughs will occur. This is said to be the action of hormones, but read further into it and you will arrive at DNA function.

As already mentioned in the 90th article, in a recent study it was clear that EMX Gold activates 2000 genes, which is related to EMX Gold’s versatility in dealing with health. When it comes to the basic configuration of DNA, all life on Earth stands on the same principle, and it is appropriate to understand EM’s versatility in regards to living organisms as directly connected to the activation of genes.

From a number of observations and experiences in the past, the necessary conditions for limit breakthrough to occur are that the soil environment is dominated by EM, and that nutrient moisture associated with it is sufficiently supplied.

To do this, the basics are no-tillage, sustainable surface application of organic matter, and continuous application of quality Activated EM. Therefore compost and EM Bokashi are unnecessary. Naturally, if one does a foliar application of a 1:5-1:50 dilution of EM for pest measures and to improve photosynthetic capacity, sustainable natural cyclical crop cultivation will be possible, with low cost and high quality.

After establishing the basics of cultivation technology, and applying the technology using seawater that I mentioned before in the 90th article, it will be possible for inorganic nutrients in the soil to solubilize, and for there to be a supply of a variety of minerals.

EM not only solubilizes insoluble phosphoric acid, but also is capable of de-ionizing cadmium, lead, and mercury as well as dioxins and various pesticide residues, making them harmless. As this level is further enhanced and the soil is cleansed, the transmutation capabilities of EM will also be further enhanced.

Since the use of seawater also rapidly solubilizes remaining nutrients, remarkable results are seen. In farmland that is mineral deficient, the variety of minerals derived from seawater further enhances the effects, and people mistakenly believe they can do cultivation without fertilizing. The majority of people who have obtained such a result greatly reduce later application of organic matter, and end up disappointed by subsequent results.


Reconsidering the Essence of Limit Breakthrough

Thus far the ultimate goal for EM cultivation has been limit breakthrough, and I have been explaining this background using existing agricultural knowledge. However, given the relationship of photosynthesis and energy metabolism, one arrives at rectification force, as discussed in issue 83 of this series.

In short, the question is how to enhance that rectification force. In essence oxides disappear, ions that capture electrons become rectified and become non-ionic. One continues to apply EM until there is a state that provides electrons, in other words until the soil is essentially pure.

Minerals and salt in the soil have a significant effect on the enzyme activity essential to metabolism, but from another point of view they also function as a source of ions that capture electrons.

Ions are rectified by EM, and if the soil is ready to donate electrons, regardless of whether it is above or below ground the energy available to the plants will increase. As the productive power of such energy is integrated and catalytic properties increase, microorganisms use that energy, and I believe this causes the cold fusion that Kervran claimed was possible, carrying out atomic conversion.

In addition, taking this principle further, you arrive at the “radioactivity measures of EM in Fukushima” which was mentioned in the 87th issue. The point is in the final seven lines. In other words, if you add the rectifying power of charcoal, the power of EM will be enhanced to the point where the energy of radioactivity, too, is rectified. If you reach this level, it is possible for the sustainable use of organic substances generated in cultivation and organic materials generated around you, plus the use of seawater, to solve the fundamental problems involved in food production.

On August 16th we harvested just the pods of the adzuki beans and left the plants. EM Bokashi mud was also applied.

Then later, on September 20th just before the harvest, flowers were blooming again.

Okinawa winter zucchini (utilizing seawater EM)

Originally is it necessary to cover with plastic, and even though this winter was particularly cold it was not necessary to cover them, and both yield and quality improved through limit breakthrough. (Sunshine Farm)

Courtesy of Ecopure

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