Dr.Teruo Higa’s
Living A Dream


#46 Eastern Japan Earthquake

An unimaginably massive earthquake struck northeastern Japan on March 11th. It caused a massive tsunami, larger than any ever recorded, that easily destroyed breakwaters, and its destructive power caused widespread damage worse than the 1923 Kanto Earthquake, and second only to the damage caused in World War II, with the number of confirmed deaths and missing people well over twenty thousand.

Moreover, with the accident at the Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPC) Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, we see a pattern similar to the end of the Great East Asia War and the defeat when the atomic bombs were dropped.

Although a temporary chaos in financial markets occurred when people speculated that a new type of economic crisis might hit Japan, now, after over twenty days have passed, everyone in the world is astonished at witnessing how fast Japan is recovering.

We hear so many kinds of criticisms of the disaster prevention measures of the government and TEPC, however this sort of unexpected huge earthquake and tsunami occur only about once in a thousand years. We can say that the disaster prevention efforts up until now surely helped people this time. So many people could evacuate, taking care of each other, and all of the victims are helping each other in the severe cold weather.  The way they have helped each other and maintained a positive attitude in the face of this disaster has impressed people all over the world.

In addition, in these twenty days there have been an unprecedented number of aftershocks: over 805 aftershocks, including 22 strong aftershocks over the level of M 5, destroying the means of transportation and lifeline utilities.

Under the current severe situation we are almost speechless, and we deeply express our heartfelt sympathy to those who died, those who are injured or sick, and to those who have lost everything. Now we are all beginning to share the hope that “These times will help Japan and make Japan grow better” and we are mustering the original spirit of Japan, in other words, overcoming difficulties by resurrecting the Japanese Yamato spirit.

In this advanced information age, information sharing through the Internet was the driving force for political revolution in Tunisia, Egypt, Kuwait, Libya, Syria, etc. This Eastern Japan earthquake is also starting to create a new social evolution, with information shared not only within Japan but throughout the world.

Different from its reaction to large regional earthquakes that occurred in the past, the government now recognizes that the present situation should be addressed through a national mobilization that goes beyond the  mobilization of the Self Defense Force. It has begun concrete steps to deal with the crisis, calling for not just individuals and organizations to help out, but for prefectural administrations throughout the country to donate money and relief supplies, and to accept the tens of thousands of refugees, and it has started to perform specific budgeting for emergency compensation. The world has looked on with admiration, and has begun to reevaluate its view of Japan, as the country has step by step helped out not only with traveling expenses for the refugees but with their daily living expenses, and future investments to help rebuild.

This massive earthquake and enormous tsunami, and the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, have revived the Japanese social DNA. Through this experience we should build our nation with the Yamato spirit, finally settle everything left over from before and after the war, and use this as a great opportunity to build our country into the most respected nation in the world.  I am convinced that the reconstruction of Japan with this Yamato spirit will show the way to achieving world peace in the future, and will be an undertaking of historical proportions.
Current EM Volunteer Updates

Since the day after the earthquake we have been keeping in contact with stakeholders, and since March 17th through the online DND e-magazine (http://dndi.jp/19-higa/higa_Top.php). Using the internet we have put out emergency calls for volunteers, have been sending out information about EM methods and radiation countermeasures, and information about emergency contacts. This information has been sent out to many people through the Global Environmental Network (U-Net) and EM Promotion Associations. Here I would like to introduce what EM volunteers have actually been doing, and ask for your cooperation.

EM Research Organization (TEL :098-935-0202 FAX :098-935-0205)
EMRO has been providing EM1 as a grant aid, providing EM-related information to the public, and helping with inquiries from EM volunteers. Currently, a large amount of EM1 has been produced at the factory in Okinawa and been sent to Tokyo. Those in the Tohoku region advocacy organization "EM Life Co.” (EM Seikatsu Sha) have helped in supplying EM1 to the affected regions. They plan to cooperate to combat radioactive contamination, clean contaminated farmland, and protect the environment in regional municipalities. They have the knowhow of producing large quantities of Activated EM1 developed as measures against foot-and-mouth disease in Miyazaki Prefecture, provided free starter microbes for EM1, and have taught specific implementation techniques.
EM Laboratory (TEL :054-277-0221 FAX :054-277-0099)
EMRO has been providing EM1 as a grant aid, has distributed its Shizuoka factory inventory to national EM Promotion Associations, particularly the Tohoku EM Promotion Association, so that EM can be distributed in affected areas that are accessible, and has been teaching how to use it. Especially, Nature Farming volunteers are helping now, and since the EM Laboratory has the production capacity of around 100 tons per month, they can also respond to requests from municipalities for large quantities of EM.
International Nature Farming Research Center (TEL :0557-81-0567 FAX :0557-85-3156) They have been providing information to the advocates of the EM Promotion Association, supporting Tohoku EM Promotion Association volunteer work, planning to help activities for cleaning up the contaminated farming land and water sources polluted by the tsunami.
Global Environmental Network (U-Net)
(TEL:03-5427-2348 FAX:03-5427-0205) (TEL :03-5427-2348 FAX :03-5427-0205)
EM volunteer activities have started, by representatives from around the Tohoku area, in Iwate, Miyagi and Fukushima prefectures. Also, independent EM volunteer work has begun in Ibaragi, Tochigi, Gunma and Chiba prefectures. Everyone related to U-Net, please contact the Tokyo office.
SPC Japan
 Mr. Hirano is in charge of producing a large quantity of Activated EM in the Izunuma area in Miyagi Prefecture and they are helping provide Activated EM in a tank truck. Please contact Mr. Hirano(090-3127-7455)or Mr. Izumisaki(090-3298-4125) in Miyagi Prefecture. They can also take care of large-scale affected areas.
Radioactivity and Radiation Countermeasures

Please take a look at the research on radioactivity, radiation countermeasures and prevention of internal exposure in the areas of Belarus affected by the Chernobyl accident, which has been updated on the EM Research Organization Web site:  http://www.emro.co.jp/
The above is information on the current status of EM-related organizations. Long-term reconstruction assistance is much needed. In addition, there is a limit to EM volunteer work, and we would appreciate very much if you would understand this and keep in your mind the following points.
  1. Please help the victims of this earthquake and tsunami who understand the benefits of EM by holding simple workshops and teach them how to multiply and apply EM, so that they can use EM by themselves.
  2. Until the prospect of recovery is seen, please contact the relevant organizations and companies so that you can receive free EM1 as seed fungus, and molasses, from the EM Research Organization and EM Laboratory.
  3. For wide-area environmental cleanup and remediation of rivers and farmland, please collaborate with the relevant local government. If you can pay for the tank (1 to 20 tons), EM specialists mainly from the EM Research Organization will provide voluntary support for culturing large amounts of EM and teach EM applications over large areas.
  4. If you contact the EM Medical Information Center (TEL :045-960-3484 FAX :03-6893-3268) regarding EM-related health consultations, EM specialist physicians can give you advice.
Since the Kobe earthquake, EM disaster countermeasures have been conducted on a global level. EM was applied to control odor and for various sanitary measures over the affected areas after the Taiwan Earthquake, the massive earthquake off Sumatra, and the Sichuan earthquake.

Also, we had done countless volunteer activities for helping after natural disasters such as floods. We have also presented reports at EM FESTA and elsewhere regarding internal exposure measures and countermeasures against radioactivity after the Chernobyl nuclear accident.

I have continuously written in articles on this web site about utilizing EM as a measure to help after disasters, and it has thus become normal procedure for EM users to apply EM when we have any disasters. Here I have omitted to explain the details of how to use EM, but if you contact the above EM-related organizations you can obtain this information.  I would like to thank you for your understanding and your continuous support and cooperation.


Kesennuma City photo taken on 3/22  
Minami Sanriku town and Shizugawa, photo taken on 3/22

  【EM volunteer work in the past】

EM volunteer spraying Activated EM over a flooded area (former Miyama town, Mie prefecture in 2004)
Spraying diluted Activated EM (former Miyama town, Mie prefecture in 2004)
Demonstrating the effectiveness in reducing odor (former Miyama town, Fukui prefecture in 2004)

Courtesy of Ecopure

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