Dr.Teruo Higa’s
Living A Dream
- 2025
- Mar:#203 How to Use EM to Fundamentally Solve the Problem of Agricultural Residue Burning
- Feb:#202 The Spread of EM technology in Germany
- Jan:#201 The 2nd Ichiro Masaki Memorial Universal Village EM International Conference
- Jan:#200 Cleanup of the Ala Wai Canal in Hawaii, where social bonds are strengthened using EM
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#75: The Background to EM Not Being Employed by Public Institutions to Deal with Radiation
1. The Background to EM Not Being Employed by Public Institutions to Deal with Radiation
In this website I have often discussed the use of EM in dealing with radiation, and the actual conditions of the use of EM in Fukushima. Solid proof that supports the results we have had can also be found in the joint research conducted with the Institute of Radiobiology, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, one of the countries affected by the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident.
First of all, as we have already made public, the application of EM Technology has brought about a remarkable decrease in damage caused by radiation exposure. Secondly, the use of EM has greatly suppressed the absorption of radioactive cesium and radioactive strontium by crops.
Further, experiments conducted in Fukushima have clearly demonstrated that EM fermented compost can suppress the absorption of radioactive cesium, and that it can successfully be used as a countermeasure in dealing with environmental and internal radiation exposure.
Many people ask an obvious question, namely why, if EM has brought about such innovative results, it has not been more widely applied. One must understand that public institutions are structured differently from companies, and in public institutions experts must approve the use of EM or it cannot be used.
Regarding the results of using EM in Fukushima, as is already widely known, public institutions are aware of the activities of EM volunteers. However, on the national level, when budgets are being decided, an investigative commission of experts is first held, and if commissioners oppose the use of a technology because it runs counter to existing theory, it will not be adopted. Further, if phony scholars who have never used EM or tested it create a stir online opposing it, EM has no chance of being officially adopted.
Since this is the case, it is vital that there be achievements using EM that can be understood by experts. EM has been having increasingly good results, has been widely applied in agriculture and the environmental field, and the majority of local governments have approved the use of EM. At the local level there are no legal or technical barriers, and approving a budget to underwrite the use of EM is relatively easy, however when it comes to dealing with radiation, since EM does things that run completely counter to the commonly accepted wisdom of physics, it faces the harsh reality of being completely rejected.
Therefore, in order to have public institutions accept that EM is effective in dealing with radiation and create a budget for its use, it is important to show a certain level of results, so that experts’ active opposition will disappear and the government can decide to adopt the use of EM. Only God knows when this will happen, but all you need to do is measure the radiation to know that it is still with us. In Fukushima not just public institutions, but private individuals are, in great numbers, using Geiger counters to measure radiation, and I am optimistic that it is only a matter of time before reality will overturn theory.
2. Achievements in Dealing with Radiation in Fukushima in the First Half of 2013
Through this site and DND I have confidently been presenting information regarding the use of EM in dealing with radiation, and in Fukushima Prefecture over forty successful cases have been verified.
1. Thorough use of EM (using 1-2 tons per 10a per year), will lead to crops either not absorbing any radioactive cesium at all, or a tremendous reduction in the amount absorbed.
2. Places where Activated EM has been thoroughly sprayed (5-10 tons per 10a per year) have shown a remarkable reduction in the amount of radioactive cesium.
3. Cultivated fields in farms that have been using EM for many years have very low levels of radioactive cesium, and the area in a radius of approximately fifty meters shows low levels of radioactive cesium.
4. It is even more effective to spray EM when the soil has a high moisture content.
5. Application of EM Technology makes it possible to deal with internal radiation exposure in both humans and animals.
6. Thorough use of EM with livestock, and returning manure with a high density of EM to the soil, will keep grasses and crops from absorbing radioactive cesium and at the same timer will decrease the radioactive cesium in farmlands.
7. The use of EM Technology to deal with wildlife.
On August 23, at the Fukushima Education Hall we held an advisory committee meeting regarding how EM has been used to deal with radioactivity in the first half of this year. The main aims were to reconfirm the above achievements and to deal with opinions and requests of those in the field. At the same time we held a meeting to prepare for the Second Fukushima Environmental Forum (Utsukushima EM Paradise) to be held on November 9th, with summaries of a great deal of information.
Most of the participants have seen for themselves the effectiveness of using EM, and it is clear that continued use can definitely reduce radiation levels.
People who had not seen the results they had originally hoped for understand now that continued use will bring about definite results, but there were questions, too, about how long one needs to keep spraying EM. In regards to this, the standard remains levels below 0.1 microseiverts.
In areas where levels originally were above 0.5 microsieverts, there are cases where levels have been reduced to 0.15-0.20 microsieverts. In these areas, if EM was not sprayed, levels have gone up to 0.6-0.65 microsieverts. Such cases are found throughout the region, which leads to the conclusion that pollution from forested mountain areas and the nuclear power plant is increasing.
In this anxious situation, places where EM has continued to be sprayed have shown, without exception, a decrease in radiation on the ground. It is possible, therefore, to reproduce items 1-6 above depending on the amount of EM used, but as a measure to deal with radiation in the entire region the present efforts of individuals and volunteers have their limits.
That being said, using EM in individual farms and around homes allows one to take personal responsibility and live safely and comfortably in a region where there is radioactive contamination and, needless to say, also produce low cost agricultural products that are safe and are almost completely uncontaminated. I hope that thorough use of EM, based on an understanding of its special qualities, will lead to increased application of EM activities and to fundamental solutions to the problems we face.
Regarding item 7 above, this time, in order to make absolutely sure, we used a combination of electric fencing and EM high resonance rectifying elements. There was almost no damage by wild boar and deer, and the crops raised in cultivated fields surrounded by electric fences show indications of reaching levels not thought possible before.
We have not completely dealt with wild monkeys, but it is clear that damage by them has been greatly reduced. Crows and thrushes are not found at all, and we are beginning to see a situation where, with some ingenuity, the same principles can be applied to lessen damage by insect pests and weather-related damage.
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- 2025
- Mar:#203 How to Use EM to Fundamentally Solve the Problem of Agricultural Residue Burning
- Feb:#202 The Spread of EM technology in Germany
- Jan:#201 The 2nd Ichiro Masaki Memorial Universal Village EM International Conference
- Jan:#200 Cleanup of the Ala Wai Canal in Hawaii, where social bonds are strengthened using EM
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