Dr.Teruo Higa’s
Living A Dream
- 2025
- Mar:#203 How to Use EM to Fundamentally Solve the Problem of Agricultural Residue Burning
- Feb:#202 The Spread of EM technology in Germany
- Jan:#201 The 2nd Ichiro Masaki Memorial Universal Village EM International Conference
- Jan:#200 Cleanup of the Ala Wai Canal in Hawaii, where social bonds are strengthened using EM
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#161 Restoring the Vigor of an Old Tree and Purifying the Environment with EM Technology That Even an Amateur Can Do

When the Fukuryu pine tree at Wakoan in Kyoto began to weaken, U-net (United Networks for Earth Environment), board member Mr. A, who lives in Kyoto, sprayed activated EM and applied EM ceramics powder to the trunk to give it a respite.
Restoring the vigor of a weakened pine tree is one of the most difficult tasks in the landscaping industry. Even if you implement various methods that seem to be the best, in the end you leave the rest up to God or luck, and there is no absolute method for restoring the tree to good health.
On January 4th, Mr. B from the Kyowa Cultural Association in Wakoan asked me to comment on the landscaping company’s estimate of cost and its proposed implementation method for restoring the Fukuryu pine tree.
What they proposed was a sensible soil improvement method, but there is no guarantee at all that the tree would recover through this method. I was determined to get good results if someone involved in EM was involved, and I asked Mr. A to help us in order to be able to apply the latest EM technology.
Below are comments from Mr. B on emergency measures for the Fukuryu pine tree and the guidelines I taught Mr. A. This method does not require soil improvement and is easy for anyone to implement.
Restoring the vigor of a weakened pine tree is one of the most difficult tasks in the landscaping industry. Even if you implement various methods that seem to be the best, in the end you leave the rest up to God or luck, and there is no absolute method for restoring the tree to good health.
On January 4th, Mr. B from the Kyowa Cultural Association in Wakoan asked me to comment on the landscaping company’s estimate of cost and its proposed implementation method for restoring the Fukuryu pine tree.
What they proposed was a sensible soil improvement method, but there is no guarantee at all that the tree would recover through this method. I was determined to get good results if someone involved in EM was involved, and I asked Mr. A to help us in order to be able to apply the latest EM technology.
Below are comments from Mr. B on emergency measures for the Fukuryu pine tree and the guidelines I taught Mr. A. This method does not require soil improvement and is easy for anyone to implement.
In response to Mr. B’s Fax dated January 4th regarding the restoration of pine tree vigor, Dr. Higa is provided three bottles of EM・X GOLD, which we are sending to you.
The comments from Dr. Higa and the use of EM for the recovery of tree vigor are as follows.
When pine trees start to weaken, it is almost impossible to restore them using conventional methods, but as an emergency measure, I offer EM・X GOLD with enhanced hado for pine trees.
As for EM, you can use activated EM as long as it contains salt, but if you want to make a manual in the future, please use EM・1 from our authorized distributor in your area.
EM can be applied even in winter, so please apply EM・X GOLD to the pine tree as soon as possible. As I wrote on the box, apply once a month for a total of three months. Also prepare EM kekkai (barrier) blocks and place them at the four corners around the pine tree outside where EM・X GOLD is applied. The barrier blocks should be buried at a depth of 20-30cm.
How to use EM:
EM・X GOLD should be used in a 1:1,000 dilution, and EM・1 should be used in a 1:500 dilution.
[Example] Apply 100 liters of diluted water every week, mainly at the roots of the pine trees.
Monthly usage:
• Water: 100 liters x 4 times = 400 liters
• EM・X GOLD: 125ml x 4 times=500ml (one plastic bottle)
• EM・1: 200ml x 4 times=800ml
That’s all you need to do. If you have any questions, please contact me.
Thank you for your cooperation.
The comments from Dr. Higa and the use of EM for the recovery of tree vigor are as follows.
When pine trees start to weaken, it is almost impossible to restore them using conventional methods, but as an emergency measure, I offer EM・X GOLD with enhanced hado for pine trees.
As for EM, you can use activated EM as long as it contains salt, but if you want to make a manual in the future, please use EM・1 from our authorized distributor in your area.
EM can be applied even in winter, so please apply EM・X GOLD to the pine tree as soon as possible. As I wrote on the box, apply once a month for a total of three months. Also prepare EM kekkai (barrier) blocks and place them at the four corners around the pine tree outside where EM・X GOLD is applied. The barrier blocks should be buried at a depth of 20-30cm.
How to use EM:
EM・X GOLD should be used in a 1:1,000 dilution, and EM・1 should be used in a 1:500 dilution.
[Example] Apply 100 liters of diluted water every week, mainly at the roots of the pine trees.
Water | EM・X GOLD | EM・1 |
100 liters | 125ml | 200ml |
Monthly usage:
• Water: 100 liters x 4 times = 400 liters
• EM・X GOLD: 125ml x 4 times=500ml (one plastic bottle)
• EM・1: 200ml x 4 times=800ml
That’s all you need to do. If you have any questions, please contact me.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Secretary’s Office,
EM Research Organization
EM Research Organization
Dear Mr. A,
Mr. B sent me a report on the Fukuryu pine, and a book. I sent him my book, The Essence of Japan and a separate message to help him understand the true characteristics of EM. Kyoto has historically had many impurities in its water supply, and all the shallow underground water (at a depth of 50m depth) is rusty (oxidized) like the Nijo Castle. As you know, it is obvious that this rust can be purified by EM, but we need the cooperation of the government offices to do so.
As for the Fukuryu pine, the Culture Properties Protection Division of Kyoto City has expressed its understanding of its importance, so I hope that the members of the “List of Buildings and Gardens that Add Color to Kyoto” will create an EM kekkai in the same way as at Wakoan, utilize EM, clean and carefully make use of cultural properties for a long time, and develop activities that make the people involved healthy.
If you create EM kekkai (EM barrier ) as is normally done, and spray EM freely on gardens and buildings once or twice a year, everything will have biological information and be revitalized. Old buildings will stop deteriorating and will be revitalized, and at the same time, they will become more resistant to disasters such as earthquakes, typhoons, and torrential rains, and before you know it, the entire city will be surrounded by EM kekkai, and it will be possible to turn it into an energy spot like Okinawa or Fukushima. At the same time, this activity will be historic because it will mark a new activity of U-net conducted in an urban area.
1. Bury EM Kekkai blocks (rectifying blocks) in the four corners of the building. If they cannot be buried, they are also effective placed on the ground. The barrier is effective even at a distance of 100m.
2. Dilute EM・1 to a 1:500-1:1,000 dilution, add EM・X GOLD at 1:10,000 dilution, and spray in the garden, or spray under the floor, walls, roof, etc. as if washing them.
3. If you continue to do 2. once or twice a year, you will see a revitalizing power in proportion to the number of times you spray.
4. In order to strengthen the EM barrier, dilute EM・X GOLD to a 1:500 – 1:1,000 dilution and inject 1 liter per EM kekkai block over the top of the block (if not buried, spray it so that the blocks are thoroughly moistened).
5. If you say a prayer* in praise of EM, the power will be superimposed for that number of times. (The level of contamination varies depending on the area, so keep doing this until you see the desired effects.)
If you have any questions, please contact the secretary’s office and make a simple manual based on your past experience.
*See "The Essence of Japan," p. 131.Mr. B sent me a report on the Fukuryu pine, and a book. I sent him my book, The Essence of Japan and a separate message to help him understand the true characteristics of EM. Kyoto has historically had many impurities in its water supply, and all the shallow underground water (at a depth of 50m depth) is rusty (oxidized) like the Nijo Castle. As you know, it is obvious that this rust can be purified by EM, but we need the cooperation of the government offices to do so.
As for the Fukuryu pine, the Culture Properties Protection Division of Kyoto City has expressed its understanding of its importance, so I hope that the members of the “List of Buildings and Gardens that Add Color to Kyoto” will create an EM kekkai in the same way as at Wakoan, utilize EM, clean and carefully make use of cultural properties for a long time, and develop activities that make the people involved healthy.
If you create EM kekkai (EM barrier ) as is normally done, and spray EM freely on gardens and buildings once or twice a year, everything will have biological information and be revitalized. Old buildings will stop deteriorating and will be revitalized, and at the same time, they will become more resistant to disasters such as earthquakes, typhoons, and torrential rains, and before you know it, the entire city will be surrounded by EM kekkai, and it will be possible to turn it into an energy spot like Okinawa or Fukushima. At the same time, this activity will be historic because it will mark a new activity of U-net conducted in an urban area.
1. Bury EM Kekkai blocks (rectifying blocks) in the four corners of the building. If they cannot be buried, they are also effective placed on the ground. The barrier is effective even at a distance of 100m.
2. Dilute EM・1 to a 1:500-1:1,000 dilution, add EM・X GOLD at 1:10,000 dilution, and spray in the garden, or spray under the floor, walls, roof, etc. as if washing them.
3. If you continue to do 2. once or twice a year, you will see a revitalizing power in proportion to the number of times you spray.
4. In order to strengthen the EM barrier, dilute EM・X GOLD to a 1:500 – 1:1,000 dilution and inject 1 liter per EM kekkai block over the top of the block (if not buried, spray it so that the blocks are thoroughly moistened).
5. If you say a prayer* in praise of EM, the power will be superimposed for that number of times. (The level of contamination varies depending on the area, so keep doing this until you see the desired effects.)
If you have any questions, please contact the secretary’s office and make a simple manual based on your past experience.
Dr. Teruo Higa
Professor Emeritus, University of the Ryukyus
Chairman of the board of directors, United Networks for Earth Environment
Professor Emeritus, University of the Ryukyus
Chairman of the board of directors, United Networks for Earth Environment
In late March, I received the following report from Mr. A.
I would like to report about the tree at Wakoan. When I visited there last week, on March 19th, the pine tree looked much healthier. This pine tree is over 200 years old. A friend of mine who had seen it last fall was worried about it, and when we visited together this time, he was happy to see that it was full of greenery. Thank you very much for your help.

The definitive case of the revival of an old tree by EM technology dates back to 1988. A sacred tree (Confucius tree, over 2500 years old) of the Formosan red cypress in the northern part of the Taiwan mountains (Hualien) had begun to die (see the photo on the left), and I was asked if EM technology could do something about it.
When I consulted a Japanese arborist he told me that it would cost about 2 million yen, but that he could not guarantee the tree’s recovery.
In June 1988, I went to the site and instructed them to dilute EM・X GOLD mixed with EM ceramic powder in a 1:1,000 dilution and spray it repeatedly so that it would soak into the ground around the trunk near the roots, and also to spray 1 liter of activated EM・1 per square meter over the entire soil.
When I consulted a Japanese arborist he told me that it would cost about 2 million yen, but that he could not guarantee the tree’s recovery.
In June 1988, I went to the site and instructed them to dilute EM・X GOLD mixed with EM ceramic powder in a 1:1,000 dilution and spray it repeatedly so that it would soak into the ground around the trunk near the roots, and also to spray 1 liter of activated EM・1 per square meter over the entire soil.

By December, the tree had considerably recovered as shown in the center photo, and a year later, in June 1989, it recovered as shown in the photo on the right, and was able to appear on the cover of the Journal of the Taiwan Forestry Society. After that, it gradually grew even healthier, and just when it seemed like it was only a matter of time, it was unfortunately damaged by several massive typhoons in the 1990s of an intensity they had never experienced before.
This experience is now being used to restore the vigor of old cherry trees in Japan. In addition to the Yamataka Jindaizakura cherry tree, the first nationally designated natural monument in Mukawa town, Hokuto City, Yamanashi Prefecture, the Takizakura cherry tree in Miharu, Fukushima Prefecture, and the rows of cherry trees in Tokyo National Park, the project has spread on a volunteer basis throughout Japan.
The 590 year old cherry tree in Yoshitaka in Inzai City, Chiba Prefecture, shown in the photo, had weakened considerably and was thought to be dying, but it has been greatly revived with the care of those involved in EM activities.
This experience is now being used to restore the vigor of old cherry trees in Japan. In addition to the Yamataka Jindaizakura cherry tree, the first nationally designated natural monument in Mukawa town, Hokuto City, Yamanashi Prefecture, the Takizakura cherry tree in Miharu, Fukushima Prefecture, and the rows of cherry trees in Tokyo National Park, the project has spread on a volunteer basis throughout Japan.
The 590 year old cherry tree in Yoshitaka in Inzai City, Chiba Prefecture, shown in the photo, had weakened considerably and was thought to be dying, but it has been greatly revived with the care of those involved in EM activities.

What’s Happening in Okinawa
The change in the path of Typhoon No. 2 is as reported in the local newspaper as of April 20, but since then, it has been bending to the south and changing its course to the southwest side as it approaches main island of Okinawa. Since this is the first time such a phenomenon has been observed, it may be an effect of the EM graviton barrier in Okinawa, but I would like to wait for further observations. As usual, I will introduce some flowers that appeared in our local newspaper.

Ochoroleuca blooms in a well at Kitanakagusuku Kishaba
April 4, 2021 (courtesy of Okinawa Times)
At the Ufukar (well), that was once used as a washing place for the village, near the Kishaba Community Center in Kitanakagusuku Village, about 700 Ochoroleuca, Iris Orientalis, are half in bloom and attracting the attention of the people. About nine years ago, water and soil from the Ufukar gushed out between the stone pavement and covered the washing place with soil. They planted Ochoroleuca, which was growing at the house of local official, and it grew well, and the purple flowers became to decorate the area.
Showa Yogi, 13, and Sota, 6, who were catching river shrimps near the Ufukar area, proudly said, “This is the most beautiful flowering place in the village.” For a while after World War II, when water supply was not yet available in every household, Ufukar was used by the local people for events such as the first water drawn from a well on New Year’s Day and the Umachi, the first ears of rice celebration in May. It is still a popular place for local people to relax.
(Reporter,Yoshikatsu Onaga)
Photo: Brothers Showa Yogi, right, and Sota smile in front of the purple flowers of the Ochoroleuca.
March 31, Kishaba, Nakagusuku Village

Deigo, Indian coral tree flowers, begin to bloom in Nago City
and Ogimi Village, delighting people
April 18, 2021 (Courtesy of Okinawa Times)
In the northern part of Okinawa, Deigo (Legume Family) are beginning to bloom. Two large Deigo trees near the “Himpun Banyan” in Nago City, which local people affectionately call “husband and wife Deigo,” are also showing signs of blooming. The trees are located next to each other and are estimated to be about 130 years old. They are both just beginning to bloom.

Asahikazura Color the Village of Tarama
Blooming on the islands
April 27, 2021 (Courtesy of Okinawa Times)
Asahikazura, coral vine, are in full bloom at a house in Nakasuji Tsugawa-ku, Tarama Village, and are delighting the eyes of passersby. The residents of the house bought the seedlings five to six years ago. He said, “I don’t take any special care of, and just let nature take its course, but can enjoy it because the flowers bloom all over the place in this season." The coral vine can be seen in two or three other places on the island, including the village library.
(Reported by Hidenori Nagaoka)

Kaenboku reflected in fresh greenery in Nago City
April 27, 2021 (Courtesy of Okinawa Times)
The bright red flowers of the Kaenboku (family Nymphaeaceae), an evergreen tree that is native to tropical Africa, are blooming across the street from the community center in Okawa, Nago City, and on a mountain behind the village called Ufumata in the same district. The one across from the community center is about 5m tall and has about 10 flowers blooming upward, delighting the eyes of drivers.
In the mountains behind the village, a 10 m tall tree with many red flowers on the tips of its branches looks beautiful against the fresh greenery of the mountains. Because the flowers are shaped like tulips, they are also called "African tulips.” In the vicinity, the ijus (Camellia sinensis), which bloom in the mountains around the time of the Urijin season, are also in full bloom and look beautiful against the green leaves.
(Reported by Manabu Tamaki)

Rainy season begins in Okinawa Prefecture, five days earlier than normal
May 7, 2021 (Courtesy of Okinawa Times)
The Okinawa meteorological observatory announced on the 5th that Tsuyu, the rainy season, seems to have arrived in the Okinawa region, which is five days earlier than usual and 11 days earlier than last year. On the same day, the same announcement was made for the Amami region, making it the earliest rainy season in Japan for both Okinawa and Amami. ¬¬On the 6th, when the sunshine returned, 13 of the 25 observation points in Okinawa Prefecture recorded their highest temperatures of the year. In Miyakojima City and Hateruma Island, the temperature reached 29.7 ℃, close to the temperature of a midsummer day.
At the Sueyoshi Flower Garden in Inamine, Nago City, a hydrangea festival is underway, and the winter hydrangeas that are no longer in full bloom are being replaced by Lacecap hydrangeas and Begonias that are now blossoming. Hisashi Sueyoshi, 73, the director of the park, said, “I hope everyone will enjoy the spectacular view from the hill and the seasonal flowers, and really experience the change of the seasons.”
According to the Okinawa Meteorological Observatory, the next week in Okinawa is expected to be mostly cloudy with a few rainy days due to the rainy season front and moist air. The rainy season usually ends around June 21 every year.

Lilies decorate the precincts of a Shinto shrine in Yamanoha, Nago City
The Breadfruit tree also bears fruit
May 8, 2021 (Courtesy of Okinawa Times)
The white flowers of Okinawa’s indigenous “Teppo Lily” (Liliaceae) have been blooming in the fields, parks, and flower beds in Nago City. In the precincts of Yamanoha Shrine in Yamanoha, Nago City, about 200 white flowers and buds on about 70 plants can be observed. The two Komainu (lion-dog) statues in the shrine precincts seem to be gazing at the blooming flowers.
We also observed a 7m tall Breadfruit tree (mulberry family) near the shrine with round yellow fruit 5 to 8 cm in diameter
(Reported by Manabu Tamaki)

Hydrangeas in full bloom in Izumi, Motobu Town
10,000 plants will be in full bloom by late May
May 13, 2021 (Courtesy of Okinawa Times)
Hydrangeas are in full bloom at the Yohena Hydrangea Garden in Izumi, Motobu Town. According to Ms. Yoko Nakamura, 77, a resident of Okinawa City, the garden is still in half bloom as of May 12th. She expects about 10,000 plants to be in full bloom by the end of May and adds, “It is not crowded like in the city. I hope people will visit the park and relax, enjoying looking at the flowers."
The park will open on the 9th and will remain open until the end of June, depending on how long the flowers remain in bloom. Medinilla magnifica and begonia are also in bloom. Ms. Nakamura said, with a smile, “I want everyone to see the flowers that they have worked so hard to grow, but when you visit here, please take precautions against the new coronavirus infection.”
(Reported by Manabu Tamaki)

Look up, and You will See 2-Meter Tall Lilies in Kawakami-ku, Nago City
May 17, 2021 (Courtesy of Okinawa Times)
“Look up at these lilies!” A Teppoyuri, Easter lily (Liliaceae) has grown to two meters in height at a private home in Kawakami ward, Nago City, and has become a topic of conversation in the community. According to Mr. Michio Taira, 70, who lives in Kawakami, he planted about 40 bulbs three years ago at his garden full of trees, and covered the lilies with dead leaves. They grew about 50cm in a year, and two years ago started to bloom. All the 40 bulbs grew and among them four plants grew 2m tall, and one of them, the tallest, is 2m 10cm.
Ms. Ayano Tamaki (42), who lives nearby, was surprised to see it. “I have never seen a lily this tall," she remarked. "Is this really Easter Lily?” Her daughter, Airin, who is in the second grade of Nago Elementary School, is 117cm tall and has planted okura and bitter melon seedlings at school as a part of their life environment class. She said, “Easter lilies were blooming in our schoolyard too, but I had never seen a lily that was taller than me. I was so surprised.”
The four plants have a total of eight flowers and seven buds on the ends. The flowers are about 15cm long and the diameter of the blossoms is about 5cm, which is about the same size as a usual lily, but the leaves are very large, 20cm long and 4cm wide. Airin , who likes Ryukyukosumire, Viola yedoensis, said, “I like kosumires because of their cute little purple flowers. But a lily this big is kind of scary, like a ghost. “
Mr. Taira was very delighted. “I haven’t taken any special care of it so far," he said, "but it has grown so big. I think the conditions where I planted it were good. If I prop it up now, I think it will probably grow another 3cm."
(Reported by Manabu Tamaki)
Photo captions:
Airin Tamaki (foreground) and her mother Ayano (on the right in back) are surprised at the height of the Easter Lily.
Michio Taira, the owner of the house, points out that “That flower is the tallest.”
Mr. Taira’s house in Kawakami, Nago City, on May 13.

The Royal poinciana is in full bloom
Today is Shoman
May 21, 2021 (Courtesy of Okinawa Times)
May 21 is “Shoman,” one of the twenty-four solar terms. In Okinawa this is combined with the next solar term, “Boshu,” as the term “Suman Bosu," which is the word for the rainy season. In the vicinity of the Catholic Asato Church in Asato, Naha City, the bright vermillion-red flowers of the Royal poinciana are in full bloom.
According to the Okinawa Meteorological Observatory, the weather in Okinawa area over the next week is expected to be cloudy and rainy, typical of the rainy season, due to the rainy season front and moist air.

Yanbaruawabuki (Meliosma oldhamil) blooms in Nago, sweet fragrance in the air
May 26, 2021 (Courtesy of Okinawa Times)
The flowers of the Yanbaruawabuki, Meliosma oldhamil (Sabiaceae family), which give off a sweet fragrance when they bloom, are blooming in the mountains of Futami, Yofuke and Genka in Nago City. (See the photo.) They feature a conical inflorescence with many tiny flowers of about 1mm. In the mountains, yellow-green buds on inflorescences about 30 cm in diameter stand out, but along Route 329 in Futami, it is white flowers that are in bloom.
Ants were seen moving around the tiny 2mm diameter flowers in search of nectar.
When the flowering conical inflorescences sway in the wind, the tiny flowers scatter, looking just like a powdery snowfall.
(Reported by Manabu Tamaki)

Fragrant Iju Flowers in the Mountains of Northern Part of Main Island
Now is the Best Time to View Them
May 26, 2021 (Courtesy of Okinawa Times)
In the mountains of the northern part of the main island of Okinawa, an area known as Yanbaru, Iju flowers (Camellia family), a typical rainy season flower are now in full bloom. On the 25th, under the rainy season sky, white flowers blooming on the side of the road on Route 329 in Yofuke, Nago City, gave off a faint, sweet fragrance. On the 26th, it is expected that the Okinawa region will be cloudy, with scattered thunderstorms, due to the rainy season front.
The white flowers of the Iju, a tree with a faintly sweet fragrance, at Yofuke, Nago City.
(Photo by Kenta Kinjo)
(June 8, 2021)
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- 2025
- Mar:#203 How to Use EM to Fundamentally Solve the Problem of Agricultural Residue Burning
- Feb:#202 The Spread of EM technology in Germany
- Jan:#201 The 2nd Ichiro Masaki Memorial Universal Village EM International Conference
- Jan:#200 Cleanup of the Ala Wai Canal in Hawaii, where social bonds are strengthened using EM
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