Dr.Teruo Higa’s
Living A Dream


#169 Koizumi Farm in Kamakura Continues to Evolve

#169 Koizumi Farm in Kamakura Continues to Evolve
As I have introduced several times in the past, Mr. Koizumi’s EM application technology has been repeatedly exceeding limits. Initially, he found himself at a standstill since he did not grasp the essential nature of EM and used it as a convenient agricultural material, but now that he has been able to apply the quantum mechanical properties of EM, he has reached the level of being an evangelist for EM.

“Technology to pass on love to people 500 and 1000 years in the future.” [Creating Terra Preta soil using EM rectification barriers]. Mr. Koizumi is steadily realizing his life goal by working towards the goal embodied in this title.

In other words, he is working to reproduce and disseminate Terra Preta soil by developing the conventional EM technology in a quantum mechanical manner.

Regarding Terra Preta soil, I introduced materials compiled by Mr. Shintani of EM Research Organization in the 152nd “Future Global Development of EM Technology” (March 2020, managed by DND Research Institute, Inc.) in the series of articles by Digital New Deal.

In 2013, it became clear that Terra Preta soil can be reproduced through the use of EM, but in order to do so on a large scale, it is necessary to apply the quantum mechanical properties of EM. This principle has already been made public and is now being applied in Thailand and other countries, especially Germany. 

Mr. Koizumi’s achievements introduced this time show the ideal way of employing EM as a social asset, including the development of the Japanese version of terra preta soil and the importance of adhering to the EM lifestyle.

Accomplishing anything depends on having “high aspirations based on altruism and the philosophical beleifs that supports them.” Repeatedly studying “Koizumi Information” with this in mind will help to further enhance the key to breaking through the limits of EM power.

Below I would like to introduce some “Koizumi Information.”

January 8, 2022

Technology that passes on“love” to future generations for 500 and 1000 years

Creating Terra Preta soil with a EM rectification barrier

Terra Preta Soil

Terra Preta, found in the Amazon River basin in South America, is one of the most fertile soils in the world. Crops yield is three to five times more than modern agricultural areas. It contains 70 times more artificially made charcoal than the neighboring soil. This is a phenomenon that conventional physics finds unthinkable. An attempt to recreate this Terra Preta soil with EM is now underway. Terra Preta may have been made and functioning 500 years ago, or even before, more than 1000 years ago. Human and animal bones and skins, pottery, and turtle shells have been found in Terra Preta soil. From this, it is believed there is a high possibility that prayers and rituals were conducted in this land.Koizumi Farm is trying to reproduce this Terra Preta soil by using EM rectifying barrier technology. 

Reproducing Terra Preta soil with EM
Continuous application of EM
Continuously adding rectified charcoal

Increase quantum layering effect

Connecting fields and consciousness

In order to continuously and repeatedly apply EM, we need to be conscious of continuing to do so. This consciousness is prayer. Prayer is a way of communicating with the intangible and invisible. Even if we cannot communicate with words, we can communicate with thoughts. This is called “Ishin-denshin,” tacit mutual understanding without the use of language.

Considering the universe before the birth of life

In the world of physics it is said that before the universe was created there was a world of “chaos” before matter was created. In this chaos there is a “fluctuation of a vacuum” before the birth of matter where pair production and pair annihilation are repeated, and from there, reactions occur that lead to the origin of the pre-matter. In the process of repeated pair production and pair annihilation, things that should have been produced in pairs came into existence thanks to the fact that they were imperfect in form did not pair. As the matter created by the imperfections piles up, the information necessary for the development of life becomes inscribed on it. The energy and life generating mechanisms that occurred in this process are described in ancient folklore and myths from around the world, including the Japanese Kiki myth (Kiki referring to the ancient books the Kojiki and Nihonshoki). In his book, The Essence of Japan, Dr. Higa introduced the idea that the Kojiki and Nihonshoki are scientific books that describethe birth of the universe and the mechanism of life generation.

Minerals that function as blueprints for life generation

Elements of life are generated from cleverly combined minerals through repeated reactions of electromagnetic energy. This process of generation is transcribed and recorded as information, with the recording media being silicon (Si) and carbon (C).

EM can set the conditions under which it is recorded.

First, firmly establish EM rectified a Kekkai barrier. The first requirement is to have a Kekkai, a kind of “box from which energy cannot escape.” Firmly establish the barrier in the field. While continuously applying rectified charcoal, consciously keep applying EM. This creates a layering effect, and the energy accumulates and increases. It is also important to create an environment where EM can work more actively, so various organic materials are spread thickly on the soil surface. Once this environment conductive to EM is in place, the three abilities of EM begin to function.
  • Anti-oxidation effect
  • Non-ionizing effect
  • Energy conversion capability
This function also increases the ability to transfer information.At the same time, the energy of the land, the energy of prayer generated by consciousness, and the gravitational wave energy brought in by microorganisms will accumulate and be enhanced so that they can be used as energy to support the vital activities of all living organisms.  

Create a Kekkai barrier.
Enrich organic matter.
Create an environment where microorganisms can work easily.Continuous application of EM and rectified charcoal.
Quantum superposition effect.
Accumulation and amplification of revitalizing type energy that activates life activities.
Salt and iron further promote the accumulation and amplification of this revitalizing type energy

Moisture is needed to ensure that its function is more quickly and reliably extended into the space of the field, deep into the soil, and the soil needs a lot of air. To improve drainage is to create a pathway for air and water into the soil. Improved drainage creates a waterway for water to penetrate underground. When a waterway is created, the salt dissolves in the water and carries electrons deep into the soil. Electrons reach deep into the soil and microorganisms become active, breaking up hardpan and softening the soil deep down. At the same time, microorganisms will be able to grab and secure the necessary water. Under these conditions, when charcoal, salt and iron work interconnectedly with microorganisms, atomic conversion and energy conversion occur. When phototrophic bacteria and other revitalizing type microorganisms with anti-oxidant responsetake up iron, they become magnetic bacteria and have the power to generate electricity. The diversity of revitalizing type bioenergy increases as the flora and fauna of microorganisms, insects, plants, and animals are closely connected and chained together. In the field, where complex and diverse life activities are carried out, In the field, where complex and diverse life activities are carried out, EM functions in tandem with charcoal, salt, and iron. When consciousness and prayer energy is sent out, a circuit is set in motion that converts all types of complex and diverse energy into revitalizing type energy, which is then transformed into usable energy. The mechanism of this energy accumulation and circulation circuit is transcribed and recorded in the charcoal and the soil.

Engraved in this record is “the mechanism by which microorganisms emit gravitons and attract gravitational wave energy from the universe or another dimension”

By praying in the rectified barrier when all the above conditions are met, the mechanism for drawing in gravitational wave energy can be engraved into the charcoal and soil. Gravitational wave energy can give revitalizing type energy not only to life, but also to objects, phenomena, and intangibles of any composition. By continuing to use EM, we can limitlessly call in and use gravitational wave energy from space, the universe, and other dimensions. What we can do is to make this mechanism function better.


From Koizumi Farm’s Instagram

Fruit puree at Koizumi Farm in December 2021
EM Rectified barrier overlaid effect drip
Rectified charcoal + drip on the EM buried rectified barrier in November 2021
Applied only salt and Bokashi for beets, Ayame Yuki turnips, mustard greens, mizuna (Japanese mustard greens), spinach, and other vegetables in October 2021

Sowing in September 2021.

After laying mulch and sowing seeds, applied rectified charcoal. The germination rate was good and there was reduced worm damage. The more rectified charcoal and EM Kekkai Bokashi balls you place in the field, the better the vegetables will grow.
Making activated EM.
Making activated EM.
EM grown tomato mail order in June 2021.

I have expanded our mail order business so that people outside this area can enjoy them as well.An assortment package of EM grown Momotaro tomatoes, cherry tomatoes and medium sized tomatoes. This year, I sprinkled a little Bokashi at the base of the plants when planting, but after that I cultivated it only by adding salt. Of course, no pesticides were used. Since last year I have been placing EM Kekkai bokashi balls between the plants. It’s about the same as the number of plants planted, so there were about 1400 balls. Naturally, growth has been good, but I feel that the taste is also steadily improving.
Momotaro 8 in May 2021.

The large tomatoes we grow at Koizumi Farm are Momotaro 8 variety.
It is difficult to grow them because they produce a lot of fruits that break when they are about to be harvested, but we grow them because they are sodeliciousThey are now available at the Seven-Eleven in Shiromeguri Higashi, in Kamakura City.   .
First harvest of cherry tomatoes on May 7, 2021

We’ve never harvested them this early before!
The harvest is usually around May 12th to 15th every year. By securely setting EM Kekkai in the green house and repeatedly using EM to create a layering effect, we were able to produce richly colored and delicious cherry tomatoes without any worries about insects or disease.
Tomato planting in March 2021

First dig a planting hole, then add a handful of rectified charcoal and mix it lightly with the soil. It's like planting in the bottom of a mortar in a deep hole. Sprinkle Bokashi around the top of the mortar. This Bokashi is the sole original fertilizer. Place a handful or two handfuls of rectified charcoal around the base of the plant. As you keep watering, it will gradually sink in.
Simple drip system in April 2021.

Once the field has been sufficiently barriered and the rectified charcoal has been spread to the plants and ridges, the next important things is the layering effect, which is called the quantum layering effect. This is called the quantum superposition effect. The more times you spray EM on the field, the more the effect of EM will increase synergistically. No matter how small the amount, once is once. A wire of appropriate thickness is wrapped around a plastic bottle with vinyl tape and set at an angle to the ground to allow water drops to fall.
Beet harvest in March 2021.

We sowed beet seeds in September last year.The beets sprouted well in the heat, with only about 20% of them consumed by insects, and they grew with glistening, healthy leaves. This year’s EM-grown beets had no odor or strange taste, with a sweetness similar to potatoes or corn, and with a flavor I have never tasted before. The leaves and the stems of the leaves, which were too hard to eat at harvest time, did not become stiff, and were soft and delicious even when eaten in a salad.

All images are from Koizumi Farm’s Instagram. Reproduced with permission.

<Instagram> s_h _p_ q Koizumi Farm

(February 15, 2022)
Courtesy of Ecopure

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