Case Studies
Higher Yield in Organic Cacao Farming
San Martin, Peru
Business Overview
ACOPAGRO is an association of small cacao farmers, located in the central valley of Huallaga, San Martin region of Peru.
Extending over 4 provinces, more than 2,000 associates are dedicated to organic cacao farming, as well as processing and exportating organic cacao beans. ACOPAGRO exports their cacao beans to Italy, France, Switzerland, the Netherlands and the United States.
Their cacao beans are certified organic by USDA, Rainforest Alliance, BioSuisse and many other certifications.
ACOPAGRO started using EM Technology, aiming to learn the benefits of microorganisms.

EM Application
BIOEM, EMRO's partner in Peru, first provided ACOPAGRO with EM・1 samples, then, helped them prepare AEM (Activated EM・1). They gave technical assistance on EM application and supervised the progress.
ACOPAGRO organized EM worshops for groups of farmers called "committees to train on making AEM." Each committee produced 1-3 tanks of AEM, and after 2 weeks, it was ready to be applied to their fields.
They usually apply AEM twice a day, in the morning and the afternoon. Using backpack sprayers, they spray directly to the plants and all over the soil.
They use EM throughout the year.

Effects and Results
Before using EM Technology, they had problems such as low yield and soil degradation.
After they started using EM, they realized that it promotes the following effects in a sustainable way:
- Yield increased from 10% to 20%. 1,000 to 1,200 kg/ha/dry cacao beans
- Reduction in the incidence of Monilia (type of fungus) in 20%-30%.
- By applying AEM, the leaves started to regrow even after the trees are pruned.
- AEM also promotes blooming.
- The soil condition was improved at microbial level because the leaves are decomposed better with EM, helping the cacao tress absorb nutrients more easily and effectively.

For further information, please contact our partner in Peru:
Tel: +511-4630329 /+511-43.960.3740
Fax: +511-43.426.280
Torres Malarín 355, Pueblo Libre. Lima, Peru
Tel: +511-4630329 /+511-43.960.3740Fax: +511-43.426.280