Case Studies
Eco-friendly Toilets at a Festival
Czeremcha, Poland
About Festiwal Czeremcha
Festiwal Czeremcha is a 3-day folk music festival, held at the end of every July in Czeremcha village in north-eastern Poland. In 2021, the 26th festival was held from July 23rd to 25th. About 2,500 people, half the number of usual participants due to the pandemic, particpated the festival.
During daytime, they enjoyed visiting many diffrent kinds booths, including traditional handicrafts, pottery workshops, food stand, etc. Outdoor concerts started at 5pm and lasted until midnight.

EM Booth and Workshops
EMRO’s partner, Greenland Technologia EM is a sponsor of this festival. They also hosted an EM booth, where they introduced EM. They gave EM Bokashi workshops and EM Mudball workshops. The participants learnt not only how to make EM materials but also the secrets of home composting, water purification etc. Greenland also had events to throw 500 Mudballs into Repczyce lagoon for water purification the day after the workshop. Then, they had another event at the same place 2 weeks later, with fully fermented Mudballs.

Earth Toilet Project
Greenland, together with EMRO Germany, also helped preparing the microbial toilets as a part of “Earth Toilet Project.” This project was launched by EM Seikatsu in Japan, and this was the first time to carry it out outside of Japan. EM sprayers were placed in all of 10 portable toilets at the site. Before people use toilets, they would read fryers about the project, and spray EM after using toilets. In addition, staffs cleaned these toilets with EM 3 times a day.

Effects and Results
Measured ammonia concentration value was 0ppm even on Saturday night when there were the most number of participants to the festival. The portable toilet provider was surprised and commented that the smell was considerably reduced.
EM is very effective in reducing bad odor, and it worked well this time, too. The participants were happy with non-smelly clean toilets with better hygiene.
The demand of environmental-friendly portable toilets will increase in Europe.
EM Group will work more to spread that the microbial portable toilets worldwide and to make more people smile!
【Promotional Video of Earth Toilet Project】
For further information, please contact;
Trzcianki 6, 24-123 Janowiec N/Wisla, Poland
TEL: +48 (0) 81-888-53-25
FAX: +48 (0) 81-888-53-26
(Updated in August, 2021)