Case Studies
Continuing Dairy Farming in Fukushima, after the earthquake

Mr. Takizawa is the 3rd generation of his family in charge of the Takizawa Dairy Farm, Minamisoma Cityin Fukushima. Located in the area within the 30km from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, this farm started to apply EM to recover his own business after the nuclear accident. As a pilot test he started to apply EM to the cattle that had been pastured with contaminated grass,using EM Bokashi (pellet form) 100 g twice a day, 500ml of Activated EM・1 per day plus 5% of EM・X GOLD. In only two months, the levels of cesium in the milk reduced from 9 becquerel to 4.5.
Mr. Takizawa inspired by the positive results is now applying EM not only in the cattle but also to make compost fermented with EM from the cow manure. He also produces his own TMR adding Activated EM・1 into the mix of forage, grains and others.
Mr. Takizawa is now focused on producing his own coarse feed to supply and grow his cattles.
Mr. Takizawa inspired by the positive results is now applying EM not only in the cattle but also to make compost fermented with EM from the cow manure. He also produces his own TMR adding Activated EM・1 into the mix of forage, grains and others.
Mr. Takizawa is now focused on producing his own coarse feed to supply and grow his cattles.

(Updated in 2013)