Case Studies
EM Support Projects in Tsunami affected area 2011

The earthquake of a magnitude 9.0 generated a devastating tsunami whose consequences are still being
studying. Both earthquake and tsunamis damaged a nuclear plant in Fukushima prefecture causing radiation leaks that resulted in an evacuation area of 20 kilometers radios around the plant.
At June 30, confirmed death toll surpassing 15,500. There are still 7,189 persons missing, more than 5,300 injured, 644,182 properties totally and partially damaged and approximately 3,559 roads damaged (data from National Police Agency of Japan).
EM Support Project Team for Tsunami Reconstruction was formed by EM Seikatsu, Inc., United Networks for Earth Environment (U-net of Japan) and EM Research Organization, aiming to support volunteer activities in the damaged areas, to provide EM materials and technical support, and to seekfor ways to contribute with the Japanese government and local administrations.
Up to date, the EM Support Project Team is mainly assisting EM volunteer groups working on site and providing technical support and materials to the areas in need.

Volunteer Groups Mr. Ashikaga, Sanriku EM Association


ALL HANDS is a volunteer group based in the U.S. that provides assistance to regions affected by natural disasters. A team of ALL HANDS is stationed in Rikuzentakata city and Ofunato city, Iwate prefecture where around 7,200 homes were damaged by the earthquake and tsunami. They are working to recover houses and resettling 26,000 affected people. In doing this, they are using EM•1 provided by the EM Support Project Team to counter odors and sanitation conditions while cleaning houses and surroundings.

Mr. Hirano, SPC Japan
Mr. Hirano a member of SPC Japan (a beautician group which uses EM products) has owned a 5 tons tank lorry to spray EM・1 and has set up several tanks to activate EM・1 in large scale. He is providing Activate EM・1 to affected areas in Miyagi Prefecture, and farmlands testing measures against seawater damage fields. EM Support Project Team will be providing assistance creating strategic bases to culture EM and sending technical staff according to their needs.

Iwate Compost
This company dedicates to recycle sewage sludge, wooden waste from construction sites, industrial waste and others residues, smashing and treating them by a mixed fermentation process. They produce especial organic compost made from organic waste, rice husk, coffee beans residue called Cosmogreen and EM compost.
Tsunami’s aftermath includes massive fish death and the consequent rotting and stench problems. Iwate Compost brings the solution mixing pile of dead fish with EM compost and Cosmogreen. EM Support Project Team has provided EM・1 and molasses to support their volunteer works.

Workshop and Presentations
EM Research Organization’s technical staff was dispatched to Ofunato City to provide technical support and conduct a workshop for the volunteer group ALL HANDS. They learned on how to use EM・1 in time of disasters to counter sanitation and odor problems to be applied during their Tohoku Project operations. Presentations of EM application for fields damaged by seawater were shown to Japan Agriculture Cooperatives in Hanamaki City, Iwate prefecture. Meeting with authorities of the disaster countermeasures office of Kamaishi and Otsuchi cities in Iwate prefecture, held to give details on EM application for the reconstruction project. They were deeply concerned about treatment for the rotten fish at the port area.
Technical Support on Site

Thanks to EM farmers in Iwate Prefecture, neighboring residents asked for EM applications and answers to cope with salt-affected soils. EM Research Organization’s technical officer was on site to lecture and provide technical advice to a carnation grower among other farmers. The EM farmer and willing collaborator Ms. Takahashi’s barn has been set up to activate EM・1 and provide it to neighbors and affected areas. EM Bio-reactor and 1 ton tank will be provided thank to donations received for the EM Support Project.
EM Products and Materials
Activated EM・1 : 74,464L
EM Bokashi: 32,162kg
Handmade EM Soap: 1,471
EM Research Organization has donated:
EM・1 : 10,660 l
EM・3 : 500 l
Molasses: 4,720 l
Worth to mention and appreciate that there are many other EM volunteer groups and individuals working on damaged areas who are the backbone of the EM Support Project.