Case Studies
EM philosophy in Soybean Stubble
This paper explains EM application in a large-scale soybean farm and lists the effects. It shows a cost-performance per ha to apply EM Technology in soybean farming. The effects (e.g., improving the soil, preventing the seed from having pathogens) are included many enough to support the value of applying the technology. more
EM Makes Fine Tomatoes Sale
Imagine a 50m x50m farm full of tomatoes and all of them were affected by bacterial spot. EM would be one of your options to improve the situation. As a matter of fact, at a tomato farm in Paraguay, EM was used for the same issue. more
Leaf Vegetables Immune To Disease
Is it possible to grow healthy vegetables without insecticide? Here is a good example from Brazil where EM has been applied to make it happen, using hydroponics system. Key is the use of Activated EM・1. How to use it effectively is summarized in the following:
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Largest Tomato Grower
South Africa
ZZ2 is well known as the largest tomato grower in South Africa. Their mass production has been more fruitful since 2002 when they started using EM in farming. For instance, their apple production has been better, increasing calcium content of fruit by 30%. On top of that, they have not been infected. more
My Life is Organic Farming
A man called Mr. Oga had a dream of promoting organic farming in Thailand. He started using EM since 1999, and today he has been training many farmers to start organic farming in Thailand. His base is Harmony Life Organic Farm. more
Fungus Diseases in Banana Vanished
Costa Rica
Costa Rica has shifted its agenda toward farming from massive production with chemical fertilizer to eco-friendly production. Following the direction, EARTH University has started using EM instead of chemical materials in their farming since 2000. The effects are positive, especially convincing for controlling Black Sigatoka fungus disease in bananas and plantains. more
Recovering of Radioactive Contaminated Soil - Pilot Test
This report is one of the experiments conducted in Fukushima by our R & D Department and presented at the 6th Environmental Forum in Fukushima in November 2015. more
Laboratory Report on EM-1 from Belarus
One-fifth of farming land was contaminated in the Republic of Belarus after the accident at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in 1986. The Institute of Radiobiology of the National Academy
of Science of Belarus (IRB) was established to investigate the possibilities for reducing radiation
exposure of humans, and during 1996 to 1999 IRB and EM Research Organization, Inc. (EMRO) more -
Tomatoes grow faster and healthier on salty soil
A tomato farmers saw EM's immediate effect in his farming on salty soil. more
Growing safe vegetable with low cost on radiation hotspot
Mr. Shibata grows vegetable in Tochigi, one of the radiation hotspots, influenced by Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. He not only grows safe vegetable with EM, but also educates the community with the positive effects that EM brings to the society. more
Experiments of radioactive-contaminated farmland with EM
Report on an experiment conducted on contaminated farmland in Fukushima. Find out the difference in decline of cesium levels in EM treated area. more
EM Fermented Compost Effect on Radioactive Cs Transfer to Grass - Pilot Test
EM Support Project for Minamisoma City,Fukushima.
This is a report for the test to evaluate the suppression of radioactive Cesium transfer using cow manure compost fermented with EM more