EM News
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- Prof. Higa in Educational School Textbooks
Prof. Higa and EM Technology have been published in School Textbooks in Bhutan for the School Agricultural Project launch in the year 2000. The School Agricultural Project has been successful extended throughout the country and today about 100 schools joined ...
- APNAN Committee Meeting in Okinawa
Asia Pacific Natural Agriculture Network (APNAN) Committee Meeting held in at the headquarters of EM Research Organization on April 24 and 25, 2017....
- Prof. Higa's Lecture in South Korea
Prof. Higa has given a lecture last March 29th in Busan, South Korea.
He lectured on the benefits of applying EM in growing peanuts.
The venue was packed with approximately 300 people including peanuts farmers, EM Research Center staff and EM users....
- The latest article of Dr. Higa's Living a Dream is up now!
Living a Dream article # 106 (The Function of EM and Gravitational Waves–Part 3) is up now....
- EM Introduced in a TV Show in Croatia
The TV show called "The Gardener", in Croatia, has introduced EM-1,the original product developed by Prof. Higa. ...