EM News
BIO Taiwan 2018 - Exhibition
18 Jul 2018
EM Research Organization will participate in this event, as a part of Okinawa Prefecture group, this year, too.
“Link Okinawa and Health, Beauty” is the theme of Okinawa. EM・X GOLD will be exhibited in EMRO’s booth.
Bio Taiwan is an exhibition specializing in biotechnology related business such as medical care, health care, and beauty. There are nearly 100,000 visitors during the event.
Please visit us at Booth No.J218!!

Bio Taiwan Official Web Site - https://www.biotaiwanexhibition.com/en/
Date : July 19(Thu.) - 22(Sun.)
10:00AM - 6:00PM
Vanue : Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center, Hall 1,4F
(No.1, Jingmao 2nd Rd., Nangang District, Taipei City 11568, Taiwan)
For further information, please contact our partner in Taiwan at:
Glorious Trading Co, Ltd
4th Floor., No.18 Kan Tein Rd., Taipei. Taiwan R.O.C.
Tel: +886-(0)2-23114950 / 886-(0)2-23114951
Fax: +886-(0)2-23111355
E-mail: gtc.fj@msa.hinet.net