EM News

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  • Recycle Center of Pobsook in Thailand

    Thirty two participants from the Philippines went to Thailand to take part in a workshop regarding nature farming and EM Technology....

  • UNICEF Applying EM in a Refugee Camp in Uganda

    UNICEF is working to provide better sanitary condition to a refugee camp in Uganda. They apply Activated EM・1 to cleanup the toilets and shower rooms. EM Research Organization's technical officer had been on site last month to pay a visit and advise on the use of EM....

  • 311 Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan

    Today marks the 4th year since the Great Earthquake and Tsunami hit Eastern Japan. ...

  • APNAN International Workshop

    The APNAN (Asia Pacific Natural Agriculture Network) International Workshop held in Thailand from February 23th to 26th....

  • EM Grown Corn Test in Kenya

    In 2003 a joint project of NGO groups like African Children Education Fund (ACEF), Kenyan government and EM Research Organization, launched a long-term clean up project called Kibera Slum Environment Improvement Project. ...