EM News
Latest News
- Dr. Higa's Video Available with Thai subtitles
A video to introduce Dr. Higa's philosophies now have Thai subtitles!...
- EM Mudball Event to purify a local river in Okinawa
Another EM Mudball Event in Okinawa to purify Hija river....
- EMRO Office Will be Closed for National Holidays
Due to the national holidays in Japan, our office will be closed from May 3rd to 5th 2021....
- Genki Ala Wai Project in Hawaii on Earth Day
Students made and threw EM Mudballs for Genki Ala Wai Project on Earth Day!!! ...
- Case Study: Environment-Friendly Waste Water Treatment in Paraguay
Learn how a broiler production company in Paraguay treat their waste water with EM....