EM Certified Products

EM・CERAMICA Fitoprotectante

EM・CERAMICA Fitoprotectante

Peru / Agriculture

EM・CERAMICA Fitoprotectante® is a mineral rock fertilizer that acts as a source of natural micronutrients, a phytoprotectant and activates plant defenses.
  • ・It activates the natural defenses (phytoalexins) of plants and prevents the attack of pests and diseases.
  • ・It allows plants to overcome the effects of biotic and abiotic stress.
  • ・It improves the physical, chemical and biological conditions of the soil.
  • ・It promotes foliar development, protects the plant from the sun, by reflecting the spectrum of infrared and ultraviolet rays.
  • ・It provides a great wealth of minerals and trace elements.
EM・CERAMICA Fitoprotectante



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