EM News
Latest News
- Case study: Yoshichiku EM Pork, Pursuing the Safety of Customers
A case study about pig farming using EM from Japan...
- YouTube: the new video is up on EM Library!
This video is Part II of Prof. Higa's internal technical workshop, which was held in his garden in Okinawa on July 6th, 2022...
- EM・X GOLD does not contain histamine
The information was provided by EMRO Germany...
- A new paper has been published
Influence of Probiotic Feed Supplement on Nosema spp. Infection Level and the Gut Microbiota of Adult Honeybees (Apis mellifera L.)...
- YouTube: the new video is up on EM Library!
Prof. Higa's internal technical workshop was held at his garden in Okinawa on July 6th, 2022....