EM News
Agrotech 2016 Exhibition
11 Apr 2016
Held from 18th to 20th March this year, Agrotech is the biggest exhibition agricultural event in Poland and Central Europe.
The participation in this event is also essential for research centers associated with agricultural business and mainly focus to highlight agricultural techniques like modern machines, animal and plant production tools, devices, seeds, fertilizers, crop protection products, cattle feeds, supplements and barn facilities.
The event includes conferences, seminars, workshops and farmers appreciate the opportunities to exchange and talk with other farmers and sales representatives.
Greenland Technologia EM participates in Agrotech annually.
This year their stand was one of the most popular stands in the whole exhibition because they provided with free samples of EM products as well as fresh fruits from EM cultivated gardens.
The entire exhibition extended in 62,500 square meters including 7 exposition halls, 4 pavilions and additional expositions in the open space.
There were over 700 exhibitors from 17 countries including representatives from Germany, Austria, Italy, Denmark, Slovenia, Ukraine, France, Czech Republic, Holland, Finland, Great Britain, USA, Belarus, Hungary, Latvia and Slovakia.
The product from Greenland Technologia “EM Naturalnie Aktywny” has been awarded as the "best product for soil", one of the most important prizes.
Greenland special guest was Mrs Nobu Miwa who instructed visitors on how to use EM products in households and explained EM Technology as well.
For further information, please contact our partner in Poland at:
Trzcianki 6, 24-123 Janowiec N/Wisla, Poland
Tel: +48 (0) 81-888-53-25
Fax: +48 (0) 81-888-53-26
E-mail: info@emgreen.pl
URL: http://www.emgreen.pl
Contact: Ms. Paulina Zajaczkowska