EM News
Film "Sosei - Revival" screened in Germany
23 May 2016
The film that features Prof. Higa, "Sosei - Revival", has been screened in Germany for the Annual General Meeting of the NPO EMeV held last May 7th.
Our partner in Germany, EMIKO, has published an article regarding the content of the movie and impressions.
This is an abstract of their comment.
"A Film That Opens the Eyes
The film is not just about the effect of the Effective Microorganisms in radioactive contamination.
There is, for example, details of positive results on purification projects of rivers, besides other cases of gardening and constructions around Japan, Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia.
Nevertheless, the end of the film leaves a pensive mood when the mayor of Iitate village, which is near the nuclear accident in Fukushima, says: "We are on a long way home", knowing that a return for him and residents will never be possible.
The situation in Fukushima is featured as a symbolic screening of the environment destruction and therefore, destruction of the world.
Harmful microbes cause diseases while accelerate destruction of habitats and thus, conduct to the extinct of more and more species on earth.
The micro biome on our environment changes.
The film ends with a series of sad images of species that are in extinction caused by human actions.
The director, Mr. Tesu Shiratori, dedicates his film to all forms of life."
Click on EMIKO website to read the full article (German only)