Model Cases
Aiming to encourage a more environmentally friendly and greener society via the concepts of coexistence and co-prosperity, EM products has been applied in a series of projects that today serve as model cases to show how EM products could be used in various fields.
National Projects
One example of a successful joint project is the program in Thailand designed to enhance the self -sufficiency of the economy, which was proposed by the King as a measure to help lift the economy out of depression in the 70s. This program has adopted EM to help the nation improve economic self-reliance by growing its own food through sustainable farming.(See more)

In countries like Vietnam, programs involving EM products have brought forth a solution to the problem of foul odors emanating from urban waste processing centers and the conversion of organic waste into compost. The Department of Hanoi Transport and Urban Public Works, sponsored by UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund) to process waste in city buildings, produces 7,500 tons of organic fertilizer per year. Applying EM・1 to the waste before processing helps to suppress the foul odors, sparing workers in nearby buildings great discomfort. EM・1 is applied during the composting process as well, reducing concentrations of harmful gas produced by the garbage and lowering the level of airborne pollutants to within tolerable environmental standards as regulated by the government of Vietnam.

Society and Education
Living in coexistence and harmony with the environment and living things means deepening relationships within humankind and building a better society.
It is well known that humans face serious environmental problems, such as garbage overload. EM has been employed to improve sustainability by facilitating the recycling of kitchen waste on a community basis. Organic matter can be easily fermented using EM・1 to convert it into organic fertilizer. This method is applied widely in various cities of Colombia where entire communities have learned how to recycle their own kitchen waste, diverting waste from landfills and turning it into valuable soil amendments.(See more)

In the Kingdom of Bhutan, the entire country has been designated as a world natural heritage site. They are moving away from use of chemical fertilizers towards organic agriculture. The Ministry of Agriculture has been promoting EM to recycle food waste and to transform animal manure into organic fertilizer. The country has introduced EM in more than 150 schools to implement organic agriculture as a part of the curriculum. Students manage school gardens and also actively use EM products in their dormitories.(See more)

EM also presents an opportunity for businesses focusing on low-cost, high-quality and eco-friendly products.
Construction materials contain strong chemicals that produce allergies or sickness in hypersensitive people. EM can reduce the effects of solvents that are harmful to the human body. In line with the concept of EM, Tanah Sutera Development Company in Malaysia, has built an entire group of condominiums applying EM products as well as promoting the 5Rs (reuse, recycle, reduce, rethink, responsible) concept to all the residents of the condominiums. Tanah Sutera offers human-friendly houses as well as environmental education for their customers.(See more)

Hotel Business
Seeking accommodations for holidays, hotel customers today demand not only top-notch service, but also expect to find a healing place to escape from life’s daily stresses. EM Wellness Resort Costa Vista Okinawa Hotel & Spa has been renovated using EM products in all construction materials and offers a living space which keeps the use of synthetic chemicals to the minimum. Healthy foods served at the hotel restaurant include EM grown vegetables, which also contribute to keeping visitors healthy. The spa provides a relaxing space in which EM products are used for body treatment and public baths. Waste water from the spa baths is recycled and used for flushing toilets. Therefore, the EM hotel is extremely environmentally and people friendly.(See More)

EM Sunshine Farm
The EM Sunshine Farm distinguishes itself from conventional farms by using EM in combination with no-tillage farming. The organic waste produced by the EM Wellness Resort Costa Vista Okinawa Hotel & Spa restaurant is recycled and fermented with EM・1, then used to feed the laying hens. Further, vegetables grown at the farm are distributed to the hotel restaurants making possible an eco-friendly recycling-based system involving the farm and the hotel. Vegetables and eggs are also sold to local markets.(See More)