Societies engaging in mass consumption have come to dominate every corner of the planet. Whether in advanced or developing counties and whether in urban or rural areas, we must face the serious challenge of handling the industrial wastes produced by our own activities of daily living. Foul odors at garbage dumps and sewage treatment plants are particularly problematic. Ideally, we must develop ways to recycle as much of our waste as possible. Unfortunately, there have been cases in which waste resource circulation has been hampered due to low-quality compost and a shortage of trained users. As a measure to help prevent such occurrences, EM has been used at waste and wastewater treatment plants all over the world. EM has enabled the suppression of foul odors and the manufacture of high-quality compost. This leads to better resource circulation.
Pouring EM・1 into rivers increases the number of microbes, which form the bottom of ecological pyramid. When the bottom grows larger, the pyramid itself also becomes larger, resulting in richer diversity in the ecosystem. This will improve the self-purification ability of rivers, helping them to become clean and beautiful again.
Effective fermentation bacteria in EM Mudballs will help to decompose sludge
In polluted rivers, accumulated sludge (rotten organic material) is in a state of oxygen deficiency, since there is a little oxygen dissolved in the water. Inside the sludge, harmful fermentation bacteria (putrefactive bacteria) produce harmful gases such as methane, ammonia and hydrogen sulfide by decomposing organic matter without oxygen. When EM Mudballs (EM aggregates of high density), are added into water in this condition, they become embedded in the surface of the sludge and effective fermentation bacteria contained in Mudballs start to decompose the sludge. At the same time, phototrophic bacteria consume harmful gasses, so foul odors will be contained.

Zooplankton increases around EM Mudballs
As fermentation decomposition progresses, amino acids and saccharides are produced. A portion of them dissolves into the water and phytoplankton increases where there is sunlight, making use of this nutrition. Phytoplankton’s activities will increase the oxygen in water, helping oxidative decomposition bacteria, which required oxygen, be more active. As a result, decomposition of sludge is accelerated. Around EM Mudballs, zooplankton will increase, transforming sludge into detritus, organic sediment made of organic matter and microbes, and the sludge will no longer be harmful.

Microbes in EM products make the ecosystem richer:
Detritus containing bubbles of carbon dioxide and oxygen etc., which are produced by the activities of microbes, will rise to the surface. Sometimes the rivers look polluted with these floating fragments of detritus. However, this is due to the process of the decomposition of sludge and the purification of the rivers. As detritus breaks down into smaller segments and flows along rivers, creatures which eat it, such as small fish, shrimp, crabs, and shellfish, increase in number. The more fish there are, the more birds will come, leading to greater diversity in the ecosystem. The microbes contained in EM・1 will improve the self-purification ability of rivers by making the ecosystems of which they are a part richer and more vibrant.
Click HERE to see the case studies in Water Treatment.
Societies engaging in mass consumption have come to dominate every corner of the planet. Whether in advanced or developing counties and whether in urban or rural areas, we must face the serious challenge of handling the industrial wastes produced by our own activities of daily living. Foul odors at garbage dumps and sewage treatment plants are particularly problematic. Ideally, we must develop ways to recycle as much of our waste as possible. Unfortunately, there have been cases in which waste resource circulation has been hampered due to low-quality compost and a shortage of trained users. As a measure to help prevent such occurrences, EM has been used at waste and wastewater treatment plants all over the world. EM has enabled the suppression of foul odors and the manufacture of high-quality compost. This leads to better resource circulation.
EM products to improve resource circulation
When we pour EM・1 and Activated EM・1 into environments dominated by putrefactive bacteria, the microbiomes will be improved and foul odors will be suppressed. Altering the microbial environment in the way that EM does leads to accelerated fermentation of organic matter and a shortening of the period required to manufacture high-quality compost. With application of EM products, we can efficiently solve problems such as foul odors at waste treatment sites of all kinds (e.g., incineration, sewage treatment facility, etc).
We can also improve manufacturing costs at compost factories where garbage and sewage sludge are recycled. In fact, Activated EM・1 and EM Bokashi are used in waste treatment processes all over the world, simplifying the suppression of foul odors both in- and out-side of facilities. As the result, site workers and local residents appreciate the improved environment and no longer complain about the smell. Another outcome is the lowering of costs since there is no need to use deodorants, disinfectants or pesticides, which result in environmental degradation. Likewise, the efficiency of composting leads to a shortening production period, and shrinks both the amount of waste to be disposed of and the area required for disposal. When compost is fermented by EM・1, its foul odor will be suppressed and its quality will be improved. This is how compost is enhanced and demand for the compost is increased. We have received reports about improving resource circulation ratios.
Kitchen waste recycling and gardening
Kitchen waste can be recycled using EM Bokashi. With the help of a treatment bucket, you can reduce your daily waste while producing organic fertilizer full of nutrients. Properly used, EM Bokashi can prevent the organic waste from becoming rotten, thereby eliminating foul odors. Fertilizers made from kitchen waste fermented with EM Bokashi can be used in your gardens to enrich soils with nutrients and beneficial microbes that will work in concert with the natural microbes existing in garden soil. Plants will grow in a healthy way, resistant against pests and free of chemicals. Thus, garden produce will be safer for consumption.
Download PDF: “How to make compost from kitchen waste”
Click HERE to see the case studies in Waste Treatment.

It is becoming clear that applications of EM products can improve the function of materials in the field of construction as well. Experiments have proven that EM products enhances the durability of buildings and reduces the damage caused by organic solvents in paint and adhesives.
Mixing EM Materials into concrete has been adopted on various construction sites. Many buildings and houses have been built with EM materials, implemented right from the design phase. In Malaysia, there is an “Eco Town” where EM products has been utilized not only in the concrete, but also in cleaning, tree maintenance, and waste treatment.
The precise mechanism that causes EM to produce its beneficial effects is still being researched. However, the owners of EM buildings have reported that there are no distinctive chemical smells in newly-constructed units, mold does not grow easily, and there is high heat-retaining effect. From a mental perspective, they also agree that EM buildings are comfortable to live in. Moreover, experiments have proven that there is a formaldehyde inhibitory effect, which serves as a countermeasure for sick building syndrome.
To take advantage of these effects, natural construction materials such as EM Diatomite and EM Plaster have been developed and used in different places.
Click HERE to see the case studies in Construction.

It is known that microorganism exist everywhere on earth and humans are living in an ocean of them. Wherever we go, we continuously host about 100 trillion microorganisms in and outside our bodies. Approximately 85% of the organisms humans consume enter our bodies via the air, compared to only 15% from food. So, we are continuously adsorbing tons of microbes and pollutants, yet living mostly unharmed. However, we can improve the nature of our interaction with microbes and help keep it continuously balanced through the use of EM products.
EM is chemical free so you can use them abundantly and safely for your family and pets. At the same time, you can contribute to help the natural environment when applying EM, for instance, by pouring EM in your drain ditch or toilet. Waste water is not always just a pollutant, it can carry microbes beneficial to the ecosystem.
Regardless of how many chemicals you use to disinfect and kill harmful bacteria, you cannot kill all of it since we are continuously living in an ocean of microbes. However, you can use EM to control and balance beneficial and harmful bacteria. Use it to clean up your house by spraying and wiping the floor in every corner of your kitchen and bathrooms. This will promote the activities of good microbes and reduce static electricity that increases the accumulation of dust. You can also freshen the air in your rooms by using EM in your house to eliminate bad odors.
Washing Clothes
Adding EM into your washing will ease the removal of dirt and sebum from clothes. Further, you will not need to use fabric softeners since clothes will become naturally softer and smoother. Meanwhile, discharging waste water that contains good microbes will promote the natural purification power of nature.
You can also use EM for washing babies’ cups or plates and even their toys. Children and elderly persons will be kept safe and comfortable in an environment free of foul smells and full of beneficial microbes that will help to control sanitation problems as well.