EM News

The Largest EM Tomato Grower in South Africa

14 Apr 2014

In the occasion of the celebration of the EM Distributors Meeting for Middle East and Africa 2014, participants had the chance to visit the largest tomato farm in South Africa, ZZ2

ZZ2 also produces large quantities of onions, avocados, apples and pears to local and export markets. 
ZZ2 has been using EM Technology in its own eco-agricultural production activities since 2002. 
They produce their own organic EM compost and apply direct to soil to facilitate the biological nutrient cycling.

Manufacture of fermented plant extracts (FPE) from lantana, neem, and wild garlic is used to control nematodes and other insect pests and diseases. 

ZZ2 has reduced almost 100% of chemical fumigation after the application of EM Technology as well as gained considerable savings. Further, plant diseases had been controlled and roots have performed a better development.

For further information, please contact our partner in South Africa at:

17 Essenhout Close Modimolle
0510, South Africa

Mobile: +27-823320370
Email: microzone01@telkomsa.net
Contact: Dr. Jacobus Prinsloo