EM News

Dr. Nikitin's presentation at ICCF-21, Colorado State University

6 Jun 2018
Dr. Nikitin's presentation at ICCF-21, Colorado State University
The 21st International Conference for Condensed Matter Nuclear Science (ICCF-21) was held at Colorado State University, USA, on June 3 to 8.

Dr. Aleksander Nikitin made a presentation on the research, "Impact of Effective Microorganisms on the Activity of 137Cs in Soil from the Exclusion Zone of Chernobyl NPP." It is a joint research by Institute of Radiobiology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus and EMRO.

After the presentation, he received a question from a scientist who involved in research on astrobiology in NASA.
Looks like EM technology will be applied in outer space soon...?

Click here to read the abstract of his research paper.